Northern Grapes Project March 2015 News You Can Use: Grapevine Nutrition

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News You Can Use

Grapevine Nutrition

Iron chlorosis on grapes.

Photo: Harlene Hatterman-Valenti

As cold-hardy winegrape cultivars are still fairly new, optimal soil and tissue nutrient concentration ranges have not yet been established, and growers are relying on recommendations developed for Vitis vinifera and V. labrusca cultivars grown in more traditional (i.e., warmer) climates. Therefore, one of the goals of the Northern Grapes Project is to obtain baseline soil properties and tissue nutrient concentrations for the cold-hardy hybrids.

Leading this effort are Carl Rosen, a professor in the Department of Soil, Water, and Climate at the University of Minnesota, and his technician James Crants. Researchers are collecting soil and tissue samples in 15 locations spread across Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, and New York, which are sent to AgVise Laboratories for analysis. These results are summarized, and are also correlated with yield, vine, and fruit parameters. This research should result in nutrient recommendations that are optimized for the cold-hardy hybrids.

Below are links to three grapevine nutrition resources generated via the Northern Grapes Project:


Vine Nutrition Webinar, by Carl Rosen and Paul Domoto. This webinar covers the basics of vine nutrition.


Link to slides:


Grapevine Nutrition and Juice Quality Research Report, by Carl Rosen and James Crants. This report summarizes the nutrition-related work that has been done in Years 1-3 of the Northern Grapes Project.


Assessing the Nutrient Status of Cold-Hardy Wine Grapes, by Carl Rosen and James Crants. This newsletter article (starts on page 6 of the issue linked below) covers some basics of vine nutrient status and discusses the work being done as part of the Northern Grapes Project.


Northern Grapes Project is funded by the USDA’s Specialty Crops Research Initiative Program of the National Institute for Food and Agriculture, Project #2011-51181-30850

Chrislyn A. Particka, PhD

Extension Support Specialist

Cornell University

Department of Horticultural Sciences

630 W. North Street

Geneva, NY 14456


315-787-2449 (desk)

315-787-2216 (fax)

Cider Apple Production in VT: March 30, 2015 Educational Meeting

The UVM Apple Program in conjunction with UVM Extension Risk Management Agency will be hosting an educational meeting to discuss opportunities in expanding apple production to meet the needs of the growing (hard) cider market in the region. The meeting will be held at the Woodchuck Cider Tasting Room, 1321 Exchange Street, Middlebury, VT, from 9:00-3:15.

Attendance is free but preregistration is required. To preregister, please reply to this email with your company affiliation and the number of attendees you will be sending. Attendance will be capped at 35 participants. The intended audience is apple growers with interest in growing fruit for the cider industry, as well as commercial Vermont cideries.

There will be an evaluation tasting of the ciders produced in the VT Working Lands Enterprise Fund Project: Apple Market Optimization and Expansion through Value-Added Hard Cider Production. The intent of this tasting is to present potential cidermaking qualities of apples presently grown in Vermont and to consider commercial ciders that may be produced from them.


Registration for March 10th Northern Grapes Project Webinar

The Northern Grapes Project Webinar Series

“Building the Perfect Body: Tannin Strategies for Red Hybrid Wines”

Anna Katharine Mansfield

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015

12:00 Noon Eastern (11:00 am Central)

7:00 pm Eastern (6:00 pm Central)

Wines produced from red hybrid grapes are often criticized for light body, poor structure, and insufficient ageability. The recent discovery of tannin-binding compounds in hybrid grapes suggest that traditional processing techniques, like extended maceration or enzyme treatments, are largely ineffective at increasing tannin concentrations in these wines. Exogenous tannin products offer one means of tannin enhancement, but guidelines for most products are designed for V. vinifera cultivars and are inadequate for hybrid wine production. This webinar, presented by Anna Katharine Mansfield of Cornell University, will review the current understanding of phenolic extraction and loss in hybrid wine fermentations, and the latest findings in optimized tannin addition.

If you have received this email from someone other than Chrislyn Particka, you need to register via the link below:


Registering for one Northern Grapes Webinar will place you on the mailing list, and you will receive announcements and connection instruction for all further Northern Grapes Webinars.

Registration will close at 8 am (Eastern) on Friday, March 6th.

Registration is NOT required if you received this email directly from Chrislyn Particka, as it means that you are a member of the Northern Grapes Webinar mailing list.

All members of the Northern Grapes Webinar mailing list will receive an email the Monday before the webinar containing the web address (URL) for both webinar sessions as well as connection instructions.

Feel free to email Chrislyn Particka (cap297) with any questions, if you want to check your registration status, or if you’d like to be removed from the Northern Grapes Webinar mailing list.

Further Northern Grapes Project information is available on-line at


The Northern Grapes Project is funded by the USDA’s Specialty Crops Research Initiative Program of the National Institute for Food and Agriculture, Project #2011-51181-30850 and through the New York State Specialty Crops Block Program.

Chrislyn A. Particka, PhD

Extension Support Specialist

Cornell University

Department of Horticultural Sciences

630 W. North Street

Geneva, NY 14456


315-787-2449 (desk)

315-787-2216 (fax)

NEWA weather station workshop and blog

Users of the NEWA weather and pest modeling website (and that should be all of you) should consider joining the ‘You are NEWA’ blog run by Julie Carrol, Director of NEWA and Cornell IPM Specialist. You can subscribe by visiting the blog site ( and entering your email in the box on the right. This site will keep growers up-to-date on getting full functionality out of the service.

In addition, any grower who has a weather station on their farm may want to consider attending the NEWA Weather station workshop in Highland, NY on Feb 24. The workshop is free to attend but you must preregister. Members of the UVM Apple/Grape Team will be in attendance to learn best how to maintain the stations, but individual growers are encouraged to attend as well. Information is available at:


New England Grape Production Survey

New England Grape Growers:

The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service will be completing its first annual survey of grape production in New England. This data is critical for developing a clear understanding of the scope and scale of grape production in the region. Results are used by many service provider and industry organizations to develop support for the industry, and your support is much needed. All information is confidential and critically important to collect.

To date, decisions on support for technical personnel, marketing, and grant programs is based on best guesses for the size of the industry, and this effort will ensure that such data is collected on a consistent basis. No matter of the size of your vineyard, please help us to develop this information by participating.

Thank you,


grape survey letter.docx
2015 Jan grape press release.docx
Grape Prod Disp Q 2014.doc

2015 Catamount Farm Summer Courses

The University of Vermont will offer a suite of complementary farm-based summer courses in summer 2015 designed to provide students with applied skills in an educational setting. Course registration begins February 11.

Catamount Farm Summer Experience

Learn to Farm and Earn College Credit at the University of Vermont

Dig deep with your education this summer and immerse yourself in the vibrant learning environment of Catamount Education Farm at the University of Vermont. Use your hands and head in these farm-based courses that are simultaneously experiential, innovative and rigorous. Start with the Sustainable Farm Practicum and add up to three more classes for a summer of learning that could earn you a semester’s worth of credit.

Catamount Farm Summer Experience

PSS 209 Sustainable Farm Practicum

Instructors: Susie Walsh Daloz and Terry Bradshaw
Dates: May 18-August 5, 2015 (On-line coursework is from May 18-27 and August 3 – 5; On-farm practicum is MW from June 1-July 29)
Time: 9:30am-3pm (MW)
Location: The Catamount Educational Farm at the UVM Horticultural Research Center
Course Description: In this hands-on, experiential course, students will learn principles and practices of sustainable, diversified vegetable production at the Catamount Educational Farm (part of the UVM Horticultural Research Center). Topics to be covered over this twelve-week course include: vegetable crop families, soil management, composting, organic weed, pest and disease control, propagation and planting, crop planning, irrigation and marketing techniques.

The class format will consist of a combination of lectures, hands-on fieldwork, and visits to local vegetable farms. Concepts and skills taught will immediately be applied through participation in Catamount Educational Farm’s five acre vegetable operation that supplies produce to the community through a CSA, a farm stand and multiple wholesale accounts. Students will also have the opportunity to work with participants in the UVM Farmer Training Program. The Sustainable Farm Practicum is open to UVM undergraduates as well as to students from other colleges and universities who are interested in an on-farm for-credit training experience. This course also fulfills credits for the UVM Food Systems minor.

“Awesome summer course, hands on experience is unparalleled especially in agriculture, learned a lot of valuable information.” – 2014 Sustainable Farm Practicum student

PSS 196 Hops Production in the Northeast

: Lily Calderwood
Dates: TR, May 18 – June 12, 2015
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm
Location: The Catamount Educational Farm at the UVM Horticultural Research Center
Course Description: This course will cover the nuts and bolts of sustainable hop production. The goal of the course is to give participants all the knowledge they need to start a hop yard of their own. Topics will include agronomic and infrastructure challenges, our mistakes, and current practices. Field prep, planting, stringing, training, pest management, harvest, and storage will be covered in addition to the topics listed below. We will take field visits to three hop yards in Vermont.

CDAE 195 Marketing Vermont: A Creative Approach to Entrepreneurship

Kate Finley Woodruff
Dates: TR, May 18 – June 12, 2015
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm
Location: TBD
Course Description: This course will address various aspects related to marketing products, services, and experiences that are branded “Vermont”. The course will incorporate policy issues as it relates to marketing Vermont (such as GMO, raw milk, Made in Vermont, regulation and enforcement), determine WHO is doing the marketing (including for-profit entrepreneurs, state agencies, regional organizations, even UVM!), discuss WHY we use the Vermont name (what value it might have to consumers, and various consumers from visitors to vegetarians), WHERE the Vermont name is used (packaging to trucking to billboards, etc.)and the WHO and HOW of marketing Vermont products (including the opportunity to visit food manufacturers, artists, wood product producers, etc.). This course provides a comprehensive look at Vermont as a brand, and what value the name represents for farmers, value-added producers, the tourism industry, consumers, and more.

PSS 195 Sustainable Orchard and Vineyard Management

: Terry Bradshaw
Dates: TR, June 15 – July 10, 2015
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm
Location: The Catamount Educational Farm at the UVM Horticultural Research Center
Course Description: Students will learn principles and practices of commercial orchard and vineyard crop production, including: site selection and preparation; cold hardiness development; varietal selection; tree and vine training and trellising systems; nutrient, water and pest management; harvest and postharvest considerations. Special emphasis will be placed on environmental and economic sustainability of fruit production systems.

“Super knowledgeable, and super on top of his game. Terry’s class is one of a kind and an invaluable resource for anybody interested in apples or grapes! It really is an incredible class and the real world application is off the charts.” – 2014 Sustainable Orchard & Vineyard Management student

PSS 154 Compost Ecology & Management

: Lynn Fang
Dates: TR, July 13 – August 7, 2015
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm
Location: The Catamount Educational Farm at the UVM Horticultural Research Center
Course Description: This course explores ecological, physical and chemical principles behind composting, the practical management of the composting process, and benefits of using compost in plant and soil ecosystems. Prerequisite: Three credits in basic biological or ecological science or Instructor permission.