Important! New USDA program payment available for specialty crop farms. Deadline Jan 8

Passing this on from our Cornell colleague Liz Higgins. -TB

I am emailing this directly to our entire program email list because we just learned about a new USDA FSA payment program for specialty crop farms to help offset their high costs of labor and inputs. I had this in my newsletter a couple of days ago, but constant contact seems to go to people’s spam folders and the program is only available from December 10-January 8, 2025. This is not a grant or a loan and the payment is based on your sales revenue for the eligible crops.

If you are a commercial specialty crop farm (fruit, vegetable, nuts, Christmas trees, nursery crops, floriculture, honey, hops, maple, herbs) you are probably eligible for a one-time payment from USDA-FSA based on your 2023 or 2024 sales (calendar year). The payment will be based on your revenue from either 2023 or 2024, for the eligible crops. NAP Payments and Crop Insurance Indemnities count as revenue for the applicable crop year (Note from Liz – Since the payment is based on sales revenue it is to your advantage to choose the year with the highest revenue).

To apply, contact your local USDA FSA office. You will need to fill in an application and if you have not done business with USDA FSA, you may have other paperwork that you need to complete. They provided information on the factsheet about the documentation that is needed.

I have attached the fact sheet for this program that USDA has provided. Please share this with growers that you work with (if you are not a farmer) or with other farms. Help spread the word about this unusual opportunity!


Liz Higgins, Ag Business Specialist

Eastern NY Commercial Horticulture Program