June 19, 2020
Please consider taking this survey to provide input on future policy direction for Vermont farm and food programs. I have worked with Vermont Farm to Plate quite a bit over the years, and their efforts directly affect the programs available to farmers.
From: Paul Costello
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2020 2:34 PM
To: Terence Bradshaw
Subject: Input Needed for a New Vision of Farming and Food in Vermont
Help Shape Farm and Food Development in Vermont Take the survey for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate Here’s a message from the VT Sustainable Jobs Fund and Farm to Plate Network: Hello Terence, The Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund and Farm to Plate Network are in the process of updating the Farm to Plate Strategic Plan – Vermont’s legislatively enabled statewide food system plan. Your voice matters – we need your input to develop a new vision for farming and food, and prioritize how we support and develop food and agriculture in the next decade! By answering the survey questions you’ll be adding your voice to the plan and helping to shape the next 10 years of farm and food development in Vermont. Your voice is valuable. Share your input on the future of farming and food in Vermont at https://cutt.ly/F2P-Public-Input. Answering the questions will take about 15-20 minutes. Completed surveys will be entered into a drawing to win a $50 gift certificate to a farmer’s market of the winner’s choice. We also encourage food and farming organizations in Vermont to share this survey and opportunity with their members to help get the word out to capture as many voices as possible. Thank you for your time and contributions to this important effort! ABOUT FARM TO PLATE: Farm to Plate is Vermont’s statewide food system plan implemented by 350+ member organizations of the Farm to Plate Network to meet the goals of legislation passed in 2009 calling for increased economic development and jobs in the farm and food sector and improved access to healthy local food for all Vermonters. Vermont’s farm to plate food system plan is the most comprehensive in the country and the only state that has complete government engagement. In 2019, Vermont Farm to Plate was reauthorized beyond 2020. The program is managed by the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund, a nonprofit organization based in Montpelier, Vermont. www.VTFarmtoPlate.com |