VT Apple IPM: Fire Blight Alert

I’ll follow up with more details later- this announcement is meant as a notice in case anyone like myself needs to get their hands on some streptomycin today- but the NEWA fire blight models are predicting increasing likelihood of infection over the weekend as temperatures climb. If you have open blooms, be prepared to cover in the event of rain or to add strep to your spray tank if applying thinning sprays in the next few days. I’ll reach out later today with details on thinning, the insect situation, and disease management.


Terence Bradshaw (he/him)
Associate Professor, Specialty Crops
Interim Chair

Department of Plant and Soil Science
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

University of Vermont
117/210 – Jeffords Hall | 63 Carrigan Dr
Burlington, VT 05405

(802) 922-2591 | tbradsha

Information for commercial orchard and vineyard managers in Vermont and beyond:

UVM Fruit Website | UVM Fruit Blog
Horticulture Research and Education Center
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