H2A Workers and COVID-Related Health Care Needs

July 26, 2020

Good morning: I’m forwarding this request on from a colleague at UVM Extension. If you use H2A workers on your farm, it is important that you weigh in so that resources may be made available (or developed, if needed) to assist you and your workers with handling issues related to COVID-19. -TB

Does your farm have guest workers (H2A)? Would you or your employees benefit from assistance navigating health care services or COVID related logistics? Is there a need for information, masks or other resources? If so, we want to hear from you and your employees. UVM Extension is assessing health related needs among H2A workers in order to offer support services. Please reply directly to Naomi Wolcott-MacCausland: nwolcott@uvm.edu or 802-503-2078.