UVM Extension Farm Budget clinics

Forwarded from Jake Jacobs, UVM Risk Management Agency:

UVM Extension Budget Clinics

UVM Extension Farm Business educators are available to work one-on-one with farmers on their finances and business decisions. Bring your financial statements, records or business questions for this 1 to 1 ½ hour private meeting at a local Extension office. Meetings are available from July 20 – August 3rd.

Register online now: http://www.regonline.com/summerclinics2016

Contact Christi Sherlock at christi.sherlock or 1-866-860-1382 for registration questions or assistance.

Visit the Farm Viability website for more information on programs serving VT farms: http://blog.uvm.edu/farmvia/

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Jake Jacobs
Crop Insurance Education Coordinator
Department of Community Development and Applied Economics
University of Vermont
208 Morrill Hall
Burlington, VT 05405
Phone 802-656-7356
Fax 802-656-1423
Email: jake.jacobs

Flyer.Budget Clinics.Summer 2016.pdf

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