Cornell ENY Soil Health and Mycorrhizal Fungi Meeting August 15

While this meeting is based around apples, the concepts apply just as much to vineyards, so I am sharing to both lists. -TB

Eastern NY Orchard Soil Health and

Beneficial Fungi Workshop

Northern Orchards Walker Farm

688 River Rd, Peru NY 12972

August 15, 2024 3-5pm

(Rain date: August 16 if needed)

The soils that we grow our trees in play a critical role in the success of our orchard’s productivity. Mycorrhizal fungi provide many benefits to the soils, though it is still unclear to what extent inoculating our soils with commercial blends of these fungi may have on the growth of trees during orchard establishment.

Join members of CCE ENYCHP, the Cornell Soil Health Program, and CCE Harvest NY for a field meeting on the basics of soil health, building climate resilient orchard soils, and an update on the current project status of our SARE grant on the potential benefits of inoculating orchards with mycorrhizal products.

This meeting is intended for farmworkers, young and beginning orchardists, and experienced orchard managers wanting to learn about the basics of soil health and mycorrhizal fungi within the orchard.


3:00 PM – Welcome and Introductions

3:10 PM – The Basics of Orchard Soil Health with Dr. Debbie Aller

3:50 PM – Planning for Climate Resiliency In Orchard Soils with Dr. Kitty O’Neil

4:20 PM – The Basics of Soil Mycorrhizae in New York Apple Orchards with Mike Basedow

5:00 PM – Meeting Concludes

Cost: Free!


For more information, please contact Mike Basedow at mrb254 or 518-410-6823


Terence Bradshaw (he/him)
Associate Professor, Specialty Crops
Interim Chair

Dept of Agriculture, Landscape, and Environment
(formerly Plant and Soil Science)
College of Agriculture and Life Science

University of Vermont
117/210 – Jeffords Hall | 63 Carrigan Dr
Burlington, VT 05405

(802) 922-2591 | tbradsha

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