Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Grant — Details Soon!

Passing this in from the Agency of Agriculture. -TB


The Agency of Agriculture is excited to announce that the Resilient Food System Infrastructure (RFSI) grant details will be released very soon! We’re reaching out to partners, TA providers, and those who supported our stakeholder engagement to offer a “heads up” that the RFA will be released next week; we know there may be an influx of questions once that goes live and we’ve gotten feedback that even a small bit of advance notice is helpful.

Some basics of the grant and the two tracks:

· Grant Overview: One-time USDA funding to build resiliency in the middle of the supply chain (aggregation, distribution, manufacturing, processing, storing, transporting, and wholesaling). Grants will support market development for local and regional food products, promoting value-added products, and fair and safe jobs.

· Track 1 – Infrastructure: Grant details will be announced in mid April, with applications open early Mary to early June 2024. Approximately $2 million will be available in grants ranging from $100,000 – $500,000 with a match requirement (reduced match available). Projects will begin in late fall 2024.

· Track 2 – Equipment-only: Grant details will be announced in August 2024, with applications open in the early fall. Approximately $1 million will be available in grants ranging from $30,000 to $100,000 with no match requirement. Projects will begin in early 2025.

  • Applicants can only be awarded one RFSI track; applicants for the infrastructure grant will know if they are being recommended for award to USDA before the Equipment-Only Track opens in August.

· Eligible projects: supporting the middle of the supply chain by expanding processing capacity, modernizing equipment or facilities, construction, packaging capacity, storage space, updated or climate-smart equipment, etc. This funding cannot support meat, poultry, seafood, animal feed, fiber, cannabis, farm production, or retail. On-farm processing or value-add is eligible.

· Eligible applicants: farmers, processors, nonprofits, local government, institutions, food hubs, distributors.

· Priority will be given to projects who benefit limited resource farmers and ranchers, new and beginning farmers and ranchers, and veteran farmers.

We will hold a recorded webinar on April 30, 2024 from 11am – 12pm where applicants can hear more details and ask questions. Register here.

We will also continuously update a FAQ document, as we know this funding is a bit complex. If you have any questions, please send my way, and I can either respond now or include in the FAQ.

Please feel free to spread the word and we look forward to getting all the details online in 2 weeks!

Thank you,


Julia Scheier (she/her)

Market Development Section Chief | Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets

116 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602-2901 |

Tel: 802-522-7042

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