IMPORTANT SURVEY, DATA NEEDED 2/29: Informing VT House bill to compensate fruit growers for loss from May 2023 freeze event

I need this information by the end of the day Thursday, 2/29!!!

Good evening:

I will be testifying Friday afternoon on VT House Bill H.813 that would provide funds to tree fruit growers affected by the May 18, 2023 freeze event. As written, the bill is restricted to tree fruit (mainly apple) growers, yet the grape growers have recently testified on the impact of the freeze to their industry. As a public Extension employee, I will be presenting data that does not advocate for legislation but rather informs legislators so they may take the best course of action in crafting policy.

I need good, accurate data to make my testimony effective.

Please complete this survey- even if you have already given me this data in any other prior survey- so that I may have the most accurate information available. It is really simple, and completely anonymous.

Thank you. I hope this will be productive and will inform the legislation appropriately.


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