VT Organics Recycling Summit

Sharing from VT Agency of Agriculture, Food, & Markets. -TB

Registration (free) is open for the Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS), an annual event celebrating compost and other forms of organics recycling. This year, VORS is a weeklong series of webinars, discussions, and virtual tours May 3-7. Sessions of particular interest for farmers include:

  • On-Farm Composting: Connecting Farms to Communities to Close the Nutrient Loop, featuring Sunrise Farm
  • Virtual Tour: Black Dirt Farm
  • Food Scrap Composting Success: Stories From the Field, featuring Tamarlane Farm
  • Improved Compost Fertility Characteristics: Thermophilic and Vermicompost Blends

More info is available at compostingvermont.org/vors-2021.

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