Important clarification- 5/23 New York Petal Fall meeting, no tour

By Terence Bradshaw

Sorry folks, I’ve advertised a tour that doesn’t exist. The Tuesday, May 23rd petal fall meeting will be held at 3:00 at Rulf’s Orchard in Peru, NY. There is no pre-meeting tour.

3PM: Thinning Meeting, Rulfs Orchard, 531 Bear Swamp Rd, Peru

Cornell Fruit Program Champlain Valley Petal Fall Meeting

Tuesday May 23, at 3PM

Rulfs Orchard

531 Bear Swamp Rd

Peru, NY 12972


Brief Introduction & Program Announcements – Wallis & Donahue, CCE ENYCHP

Fire Blight Survey – Liz Higgins, CCE ENYCHP

ENY Entomology Update – Peter Jentsch, HVRL

ENY Pathology Update – Dr. Srdjan Acimovic, HVRL

Thinning, Panel Discussion –

– Dr. Poliana Francescatto, Cornell NYSAES

– Jim Eve, Eve Farm Services LLC

– Dr. Greg Peck, Cornell University

– Dr. Terence Bradshaw, UVM

– Dan Donahue, CCE ENYCHP

– Anna Wallis, CCE ENYCHP

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The UVM Tree Fruit and Viticulture Program is supported by the

University of Vermont Agriculture Experiment Station, a USDA NIFA E-IPM

Grant, and USDA Risk Management Agency Funds.

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