A note from the folks at NEWA. The lesson here: know your basic apple scab and fire blight pathology- wet weather beyond a couple of hours will cause a scab infection, stay covered with fungicide unless there is a dry forecast; hot weather immediately preceding bloom can cause a fire blight infection (we’ll talk more about that coming up), be prepared to treat if the conditions are right). We all rely tremendously on NEWA to help with decision-making at this time of year, and I know that this will get ironed out pretty quickly. Until then, if you’re having troubles, try accessing at night when the system has quieted down a bit.
NEWA models – intermittent downtime
Many users in the NEWA network have been unable to access apple and grape models at certain times in recent weeks. We are actively working to resolve this problem by moving NEWA to cloud-based servers that provide much better reliability. NEWA has grown by leaps and bounds in the past two years, and many of the current problems are due to the increased popularity of the tools and resources we offer.
Thank you for your continued patience during this transition. If you have trouble accessing the models, please contact Dan Olmstead, (dlo6@cornell.edu) or Julie Carroll (jec3@cornell.edu) and provide the following information.
The web page you were trying to access
The date and time that the web page failed to load
The time frame for server migration is still being finalized. Until then, we will make every effort to verify at regular intervals that critical NEWA pages, including apple and grape models, are available during time periods of high website use.
Dan Olmstead (NEWA Coordinator)
Julie Carroll (NEWA Leader)
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no discrimination is intended and no endorsement is implied.
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The UVM Tree Fruit and Viticulture Program is supported by the
University of Vermont Agriculture Experiment Station, a USDA NIFA E-IPM
Grant, and USDA Risk Management Agency Funds.