NEXT WEEK: March 9 NY-VT Winter Grape School, Lake George, NY

Last reminder: 2017 Northeastern NY and VT Grape School

Note: we do not anticipate offering a separate Grape School in Vermont in June, so this is your opportunity to network and catch up on the latest developments in the industry.-TB

Please pre-register so we may have accurate headcounts.

Come and join Cornell Cooperative Extension Eastern NY Commercial Horticulture Program and the University of Vermont Grape Program, Dept. of Plant and Soil Science for the 2017 Northeastern NY and VT Grape School!

Approved in VT and NY for two pesticide certification credits.

For questions about the program contact Anna Wallis 518-410-6823 or email aew232

8:00 AM Registration & DEC Credit Sign In

8:30 AM Welcome & Introductions
Anna Wallis, Fruit Specialist, CCE ENYCHP
Dr. Terence Bradshaw, Fruit Specialist, UVM
Lindsey Pashow, Agr Business Development and Marketing, Harvest New York

8:40 AM Eastern NY Grape Industry Summary
Elizabeth Higgins, Business Management Specialist, CCE ENYCHP

9:00 AM Weed and Floor Management for New and Existing Vineyards
Tim Martinson, Viticulture Specialist, CCE

9:30 AM Crop Insurance Update
Elizabeth Higgins, Business Management Specialist, CCE ENYCHP

9:50 AM Break

10:15 AM Vineyard Disease Management for Cold Climate Grapes
Ann Hazelrigg, University of Vermont

10:45 AM A Minimal Spray Program for Cold Climate Grapes
Dr. Terence Bradshaw, Fruit Specialist, UVM

11:15 AM Resistance Management
Laura McDermott, Fruit Specialist, CCE ENYCHP

11:45 AM NY Grape and Wine Association Update
Sam Filler, President, NY Grape and Wine Association

12:00 Noon Lunch

1:00 PM Wine Faults Workshop
Dr. Anna Katharine Mansfield, Cornell University
Chris Gerling, CCE Geneva

5:00 PM END

2017 NENY & VT Grape School Registration Form.pdf
2017 NENY & VT Winter Grape School Agenda.pdf

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