UVM Farmer Training Program 2017

UVM’s Farmer Training Program is a six-month, hands-on program for aspiring farmers and food-systems advocates that provides experiential, skills-based education in sustainable farming. Students will get a unique and comprehensive education by running all aspects of the 10-acre Catamount Educational Farm, learning from expert farmers and educators in the classroom, and alongside successful, inspiring farmers in the Burlington area.

Graduates will gain:

  • A Certificate in Sustainable Farming from UVM
  • Experience in organic crop production, from seed to market
  • A deeper understanding of small-scale farm management
  • Entrepreneurial skills to start a farm business
  • A network of incredible people to provide support and guidance

Why is this program important?

Now more than ever we need to sow seeds of resistance. Climate change, environmental degradation, poverty, and food access – are all issues at the forefront of our society. We must combat these socio-economic and environmental problems however we can. Growing local food is one significant way. Small, diversified farms that employ sustainable practices can improve soil, water and air quality, sequester carbon and increase biodiversity. The Farmer Training Program provides you the skills to manage a diversified farm and be that change our planet so desperately needs. Planting those seeds of resistance is the first step to localizing your community’s food system and healing the earth.

“They tried to bury us. They did not know we were seeds.” – Greek poet Dinos Christianopoluos


(application deadline: April 1)

S’ra DeSantis and Rachel Stievater

Co-Directors of the Farmer Training Program

“It’s not a bachelors, masters or doctorate, but this certificate means more to me than any achievement or degree in my life. I am a man transformed because of the Farmer Training Program. I have discovered my passion, my purpose and even more who I am. And I owe it to those six months.” – Taylor Jespersen, FTP graduate 2016

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