Follow up from Feb 16 UVM Apple Program & VTFGA Meeting

I’d like to thank everyone for your attendance at the 2017 UVM Apple Program & VTFGA Annual meeting. You make those meetings work, and we work for you. Below are some follow up items from the meeting:

· Copies of presenter slides are available on our program website. Please use as you see fit, but remember that the slides alone do not come with the context of the talk they supported. More reason to attend the meeting… under ‘2017 Annual Meeting’

· Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Alyson Eastman mentioned that there is someone in the Agency who continues to do CA room certifications: Tim Schmalz, tim.schmalz. (802)828-1317.

· Annie MacMillan detailed changes to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS), which are outlined at:

· Dr. Kevin Folta provided some resources for helping to craft your message with the public, including a book, Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss, and his website, His weekly podcast may be found at:, and is an excellent way to pass time pruning or in the tractor. I particularly like the episodes that detail the domestication of numerous crops. He can also be found at:

Thanks again!


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