2017 UVM Apple Program IPM survey


We are conducting an anonymous survey to evaluate past and present Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and other programming in support of apple producers in Vermont and the surrounding region and to guide future research and outreach programming. A comprehensive survey of IPM adoption on Vermont orchards was last conducted in 2012. You may answer none, any, or all questions in the survey, but complete surveys will generate more meaningful results. Appropriate respondents include anyone in Vermont or the surrounding region who grows apple commercially, including small, organic, and cider apple growers as well as traditional retail and wholesale apple growers.

Survey results will be reported to administrators, grant providers, and the academic community to quantify impacts and justify continued support for this work on behalf of Vermont farmers. Your participation in completing this survey is much appreciated. The survey will be open until January 27. It should take 15-20 minutes to complete.


Thank you in advance.

Terry Bradshaw

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