Online Introduction to Tree Fruit Production course offered this winter

BF 223: Tree Fruit Production

an online course from the Cornell Small Farms Program

January 18 – Feb 22, 2017, with webinars each Wednesday evening from 6:30-8pm Eastern time.

Apples, pears, plums, and more! All are important components of the agricultural and homeowner landscape. This course trains beginning tree fruit growers in fundamental concepts in orchard planning and management.

Join Anna Wallis, Regional Fruit Specialist with Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Eastern NY Commercial Horticulture Program and Dr. Terence Bradshaw, Research Assistant Professor and Tree Fruit & Viticulture Specialist at the University of Vermont in this six week course, which covers basics of tree fruit production, harvesting, and marketing.

Content will include site selection and management, rootstock and cultivar selection, orchard systems, pest management, nutrient management, and harvest considerations for commercial orchards tailored to the northeast U.S.

The course is for beginning tree fruit growers, or experienced growers seeking a refresher on basic concepts in orchard management. The topics covered will be specific to orchard systems. Individuals looking for general farm business management and marketing can find this content covered in other courses, including BF101: Starting at Square One and BF202: Business Planning.

For more information and registration:

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