Strep Resistance, fire blight management Tools

category [tree fruit, IPM]

Good morning,

Dr. Quan Zeng, CAES, has been working on Fireblight and strep resistance, and has presented information on-line for you. Many of you submitted samples for this work which helped a great deal. The following is from Quan.

Below you can find a link to the webinar presentation I produced with Plant Management Network regarding fire blight and streptomycin resistance. I summarized the survey we performed, that as of 2016, the New England region is free of streptomycin resistance. I also provided an overview of how the resistance happens, current updates, and some future management tools as alternatives to streptomycin.

Quan Zeng

Assistant Scientist II

Department of Plant Pathology & Ecology

The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station

123 Huntington Street, P.O. Box 1106

New Haven, Connecticut 06504

phone: 203-974-8613

fax: 203-974-8502

e-mail: Quan.Zeng

Mary Concklin

Visiting Associate Extension Educator – Fruit Production and IPM

Department of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture

1376 Storrs Road, U-4067

University of Connecticut

Storrs, CT 06269-4067

Telephone: (860) 486-6449

Email: mary.concklin

Funded in part by USDA-NIFA

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