March Northern Grapes Project News You Can Use – 2016 Northern Grapes Symposium

News You Can Use

2016 Northern Grapes Symposium

March 2016

Erin Norton of Iowa State University pours La Crescent during

the cold hardy white wines tasting session.

Photo: Lani McKinney

The 2016 Northern Grapes Symposium was hosted by the Michigan Grape and Wine Industry Conference on February 24th in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Nine Northern Grapes Project team members lead six sessions, encompassing all four of the projects’ objectives. Some of the talks focused on results of specific research projects, such as training systems studies, deacidification strategies for cold hardy wines, and marketing, branding, and tasting room studies. Others, however, were more general in nature, and covered topics such as the past 15 years of viticulture in Iowa and the viticultural and enological characteristics of Marquette, Frontenac, Brianna, and La Crescent, including tasting two examples of each wine.

Below are links to all of the presentations given at the 2016 Northern Grapes Symposium:

Fifteen years of trials, tribulations, and successes in Iowa viticulture.

Mike White, Iowa State University.

Making quality wines from high acid grapes: Yeast selection and deacidification.

Anna Katharine Mansfield and Claire Burtch, Cornell University

Brianna and La Crescent: Viticulture, enology, and tasting.

Jim Luby, University of Minnesota and Murli Dharmadhikari, Iowa State University

Marquette and Frontenac: Viticulture, fruit ripening, enology, and tasting.

Jim Luby, University of Minnesota; Murli Dharmadhikari, Iowa State University; and Anne Fennell, South Dakota State University

Managing Frontenac and Marquette for profitability and quality: Training systems, recovering from winter and spring frost injury.

Tim Martinson, Cornell University and Paolo Sabbatini, Michigan State University

Marketing, branding, tasting room studies with cold hardy wines.

Bill Gartner, University of Minnesota and Dan McCole, Michigan State University

We would like to thank the following wineries for donating or providing wines at a reduced cost for our symposium: Coyote Moon Vineyards, Clayton, New York; Fireside Winery, Marengo, Iowa; Flying Otter Vineyard and Winery, Adrian, Michigan; Northern Sun Winery, Bark River, Michigan; Parley Lake Winery, Waconia, Minnesota; Shelburne Vineyard, Shelburne, Vermont; Staller Estate Winery, Delavan, Wisconsin; Tucker’s Walk Vineyard, Garretson, South Dakota.

The Northern Grapes Project is funded by the USDA’s Specialty Crops Research Initiative Program of the National Institute for Food and Agriculture, Project #2011-51181-30850

Chrislyn A. Particka, PhD

Extension Support Specialist

Cornell University

School of Integrative Plant Science, Horticulture Section

630 W. North Street

Geneva, NY 14456


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