Reminder: Northeastern NY and VT Grape School, March 17 in Lake George, NY

2016 Northeastern New York and Vermont Winter Grape School
Details and registration information:

The ENYCHP and the UVM Grape Program is offering a one day educational program on Cold Climate Grapes for current or prospective growers in Northeastern NY and VT.

The program will offer 2 concurrent tracks.
We hope each operation will be able to send 2 people – one for each track!

Full agenda is available in pdf format.

Viticulture Track:
Anna Wallis & Terence Bradshaw
Vineyard Practices, Marketing, &
Business Management

Enology Track:
Anna Katharine Mansfield & Chris Gerling
Winemaking Techniques: Managing Acids and Polyphenolics

March 17, 2016
Holiday Inn Lake George
2223 Canada St (US Route 9)
Lake George, NY 12845

$30.00 Registration

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