2016 Initial Pesticide Applicator’s Certification Training

2016 Initial Vermont Pesticide Applicator’s Certification Meeting

This opportunity is open to new pesticide applicators who wish to review training materials and take the core exam in one sitting.

Two site options are available. YOU ONLY NEED TO ATTEND ONE SITE.

Burlington, VT
April 11, 2016
Robert Miller Community Center, 130 Gosse Court
~ or ~
White River Junction, VT
April 14, 2016
VFW Post 2571, 97 South Main Street

Meeting will be held from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at each location

Sponsored by UVM Extension and Vermont Agency of Agriculture with financial support from the USDA Risk Management Agency

New for 2016
*Two site options are now available. YOU ONLY NEED TO ATTEND ONE SITE. Please choose site during registration.
*Registration is ONLINE ONLY. Please see links for each site below.
*Lunch will NOT be provided. You may bring your own or leave during the break to seek other options. Kitchen facilities are not available.

Program Overview
*This program will provide training and review of Vermont Pesticide regulations and the information covered in the Pesticide Applicator Training Manual that is necessary to understand and to pass the VT pesticide certification license exam.
*The Core exam will be given after this training in the afternoon from 2-4pm. (No category exams will be given but can be scheduled with VAA for a later date.) *Coffee and pastries provided. Lunch on your own (see ‘New for 2016’).

This meeting is for anyone wishing a Vermont Pesticide Applicator license:
Nursery employees, landscapers, school custodial staff, farmers, garden center employees, pest control operators, government or municipal employees, university employees, etc.

Pesticide Applicators
This program will provide two Vermont recertification credits.

Topics will be presented by members of UVM Extension and the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets.

Study Materials
It is necessary to study the Core manual BEFORE the review to have all the knowledge necessary to pass the exam. Core manuals ($41) and required inserts must be obtained in advance from http://agriculture.vermont.gov/pesticide_regulation/applicator_dealer_resources.


Registration fee is $30.
After April 1st, Late Registration is $40.
Space is limited so register early!

Register ONLINE for BURLINGTON at:
~ or ~

To request a disability-related accommodation to participate in this program, please contact Sarah Kingsley-Richards at (802) 656-0475 by April 1, 2014 so we may assist you.

Please contact Sarah Kingsley-Richards at (802) 656-0475 or sarah.kingsley@uvm.edu with questions or visit http://pss.uvm.edu/pesp/ for more information.

“This institution is an equal opportunity provider” Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. University of Vermont Extension, and U.S. Department of Agriculture, cooperating, offer education and employment to everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or familial status.

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