2015-2016 Northern Grapes Project Webinar Series Schedule

We are pleased to announce the schedule for the 2015-2016 Northern Grapes Project Webinar Series! We are looking forward to yet another great webinar season and hope to “see” many of you at the webinars!

Look for an email coming shortly that will contain more information, including registration information, for the December 8th webinar. This year, instead of running from November – April, the webinars will run from December – May.

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might be interested in the webinar series.

Also, a note regarding operating systems and WebEx – WebEx will no longer be supporting the following operating systems:

· Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Mac OS X 10.6

This means that WebEx users will be unable to join or start WebEx meetings, or use any other WebEx application from computers that use these operating systems starting July 14, 2015. Please upgrade computers to a supported operating system so you can continue to use WebEx without interruption.

Chrislyn Particka and Tim Martinson


2015-2015 Northern Grapes Project Webinar Series Schedule

December 8, 2015

“The Big Chill: Cold Acclimation and Recovery from Spring Frost in Grapes in New York”

Jason Londo, USDA-ARS, Grape Genetics Research Unit and Tim Martinson, Cornell University

January 12, 2016

“Terroir and Typicity in Cold-Hardy Grapes”

Anna Katharine Mansfield, Cornell University

February 9, 2016

“Branding and Best Management Practices for Cold Hardy Wines and Wineries”

Bill Gartner, University of Minnesota and Dan McCole, Michigan State University

March 8, 2016

“Cold-Hardy Grape Breeding at the University of Minnesota and North Dakota State University”

Matt Clark, University of Minnesota and Harlene Hatterman-Valenti, North Dakota State University

April 12, 2016

“Northern Grapes Project Research Results: Fungicide Sensitivity and Vine Nutrition of Cold-Hardy Cultivars”

Patricia McManus, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Carl Rosen, University of Minnesota

May 10, 2016

“From Vine to Glass: Understanding the Flavors and Aromas of Cold-Hardy Grapes and Wine”

Anne Fennell, South Dakota State University; Adrian Hegeman University of Minnesota; and Somchai Rice, Iowa State University

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