NEFCON Research and Demonstration Field Day August 20

Another meeting announcement of interest to fruit growers. New England Fruit Consultants conducts applied research and provides outreach/consultancy services to growers throughout New England. Please respond to the phone/email below if interested. -TB

New England Fruit Consultants

2015 Research & Demonstration

Field Day

New England Fruit Consultants in collaboration with Apex Orchards will present the results of this year’s field trials with various crop protection materials, growth regulators and other products that play an important role in crop production in New England. Pesticide license recertification credits (3.0) are available for attending the meeting.

Date :Thursday August 20, 2015

Location : NEFCON Research Farm / Apex Orchards

153 Peckville Road

Shelburne, MA 01370

Time : 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Directions : From all areas, take Rt. 91 or

Rt. 2 to the Greenfield rotary (exit 26)

Take Rt. 2 (Mohawk Trail) west 3 miles

to Peckville Road

Take right – orchard is 1/2 mile

If planning to attend, please R.S.V.P. by phone or email by Monday August 17th.

413-367-9578 (phone) TUnefcon

Program (3 pesticide re-certification credits)

9:00 AM – 9:30 AM – Welcome and orientation – coffee, juice and doughnuts

9:30 AM – 11:00 AM – Orchard tour of research and demonstration plots of interest

11:30 PM – 1:00 PM – Speaking program –

· Update on the Recent Fire Blight epidemics and Future Implications, Dr. Roberta Spitko

· Effective Management of Apple Maggot with Currently Available Tools, Dr. Rafael Vega

· Dealing Effectively and Constructively with Public Concerns about Pesticide Use at Farmer’s Markets and PYO Operations. Dr. Roberta Spitko

· Flyspeck and Sooty Blotch: Late-season Control Strategies, Mr. Glenn Morin

1:30 – ???? – Free B-B-Q lunch

Catering by Bub’s B-B-Q

“Best barbecue in the PioneerValley for over 30 years”

B-B-Q Spare Ribs, Chicken, Pulled Pork Sandwich, Dill Potato Salad

Spicy “Dirty” Rice, Orange-glazed Sweet Potatoes

Announcement – Field Day 2015.pdf

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