IMPORTANT: Conservation Compliance and Crop Insurance Subsidies

Further clarification on the Conservation compliance requirement for receipt of crop insurance subsidies (referenced in my 5/12/2015 message), from Bob Parsons at UVM Extension:

“Producers with crop insurance must have Form 1026 on file with their FSA office by 1026 to qualify for subsidized crop insurance rates. The form certifies they are in compliance with conservation requirements for highly erodible land and wetlands. This form must also be in the same name that the crop insurance policy is in. For example, if the crop insurance policy is in Dad’s name but the Form 1026 lists Dad and son, its not identical. Needs to be identical. If you don’t have crop insurance in 2015 but think you may consider crop insurance for 2016, you need to have Form 1026 on file in the FSA office to qualify for subsidized crop insurance rates.”



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