Hi there, I’m Tim Plante and I’m a physician scientist at the UVM Larner College of Medicine. My research interests are cardiovascular disease epidemiology and the practical application of technology for the prevention of disease. I’m a member of the Laboratory for Clinical Biochemistry Research where I am pursuing my epidemiology research. I’m a general internist practicing inpatient hospitalist medicine at the UVM Medical Center.
I grew up in Vermont and graduated from UVM in 2006 (BA) and 2011 (MD). I completed my internal medicine training at Georgetown University Hospital in DC in 2014 and a T32-sponsored fellowship in General Internal Medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore in 2017, picking up an MHS in clinical epidemiology from the Bloomberg School of Public Health along the way. I joined UVM faculty in 2017. I also run the collaborative medical website, Wiki Journal Club, which I started my intern year at Georgetown.
The purpose of this website is to post musings related to my professional life, write down my thoughts about productivity, and document some sample Stata scripts that other folks may find useful.
Contacting me:
- Research-related matters: Please email me at timothy.plante@uvm.edu. Please do not send patient care-related emails to this address.
- Non-urgent patient care-related matters: I kindly request to be contacted through MyChart messages (patients) or Epic messages (other clinicians). If these means of contact are unavailable to you, my hospital email is timothy.plante@uvmhealth.org. Please note that email messages are inherently insecure. MyChart and Epic messaging are HIPAA-compliant and secure.
Useful links:
- My Google Scholar citations
- My PubMed bibliography
- My ORCID number: 0000-0001-9992-9597