Rachel reflects!

  1. The new place that I went to lunch last week was Given Bistro. I’ve never been there before so I went to try it out. The sandwich that I had for lunch was cheddar cheese. It was so tasty. I would recommend for the first years to go there for lunch during independent time or with a mentor. Other places I would like to go is downtown or take the bus to Barnes and Noble.
  2. Something that makes me proud is that I am making new friends in the program. That is making me proud because I like making new friends in the program. It makes me happy because I can stay in touch with them. If they have a good or bad day in school I am here for them as friend. I like making new friends because I get along with people and I know how to be here for them. To make a new friend, you can ask them on the first day of school or in class, “Would you like to be my friend?” To me, a good friend is someone who is trusting, supportive, and kind.

Rachel taking a selfie with new and old friends (Mads, Erin, and Grace) 


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Intramural soccer

Last night Think College took over the Lake Monster’s baseball field to play a friendly game of intramural soccer!

Think College has a new partnership with UVM Campus Recreation, who graciously secured the fields, equipment and referees to host 5 different sports games throughout this semester.

Everyone had a great time!

Pictured: Maddie Petrovich, Erin Watson, Emily Scott, Sophia Thurau-Gray, Alex Farrington, Abigail Schmidt, Scam Guider, Morgan Montgomery, Derreck Noumbissi

Next up… flag football!

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This year we are encouraging students to reflect on their college experience by working on journal entries. These journals will serve as an opportunity for students to recognize their strengths, their accomplishments, and their goals for their time at UVM and beyond. The first reflection is due at the end of September, and over the next few weeks we will be posting quotes and videos from the student’s reflections!

First up is new student Erin Watson, a wonderfully friendly face and optimistic woman! She is only 4 weeks into the semester and she looks right at home at UVM!

(Even if she is wearing a St. Mikes shirt in this clip…)

First clip: “What is something you are proud of?”

Second clip: “When can you use more mentor support and when could you be more independent?”

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Welcome to the University of Vermont as we start the new semester on January 19, 2016.  We are eager to have several new students and mentors starting the program.

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