How do peer-mentors help you in class or help you study?

Peer-mentors help me by reviewing the assingments with me. They also help me by going over my work with me. They also work as my notetakers in class. I like having peer-mentors because they keep me on top of my work. They do a good job helping me with my school work. From a first year student Sara.

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What are you learning in class?

In my Harry Potter class I am currently on the fourth book. So far, my favorite has been Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. We have been discussing JK Rowlings’ biases that she has written into Harry Potter. I am doing a project on people of color and non-British characters. This has been interesting and given me a new perspective. 

In Pilates we stretch and workout. I am having a lot of fun with Andrew and Mads. It’s fun to take a break from my academic class on Fridays.

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Welcome to the University of Vermont, as we start the fall semester on August 31, 2020.  We are excited and thrilled to have new students and new mentors starting the program. Welcome to Think College Vermont. Let’s have a fun-filled semester!

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Think College Vermont Update

Think College Vermont switched over to remote learning during pandemic of COVID-19.  “It was a tough time for our students, mentors and program staff but we all adjusted and adapted with clever options of remote work and play.” Thanks for your patience. We hope to be back on campus this fall semester. Have a great summer and stay safe.

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Peace and Justice Center: Internship Reflection

How did you choose to do an internship at the Peace and Justice Center?

I am personally part of a double minority who knows what it’s like to be marginalized. I remember visiting the store a few times and I right away found out about speaking up for the injustices in the world. I connected very well with their ideals so I thought it would be a good place to get some work experiences especially related to some of the things I was already doing with Green Mountain Self-Advocates. 

What were some of your goals and skills you wanted to learn going into your internship?

Knowing they run a store, I wanted to get some cash register and customer interaction experience. This is something I got to experience a little bit when I was working at Hammerfit.  

What did you learn at your internship? Was there anything new and exciting that you learned that you were not expecting?

There was so much I learned to do that I would have never expected such us making buttons that you can pin on your shirt and making sure what’s in the store is on the inventory system. 

What are the values of the Peace and Justice Center and how do those align well with your own values?

Racial Justice, Peacework, and Fair Trade. I’ve personally been part of the Black Student Union club as an ally and I know exactly what it’s like to be discriminated against because of part of who I am. Everything they sell comes from fair trade local vendors. They also host events and get the word out to people.

What are some things you share with another Think College student who is considering volunteering or doing an internship at the Peace and Justice Center?

It is definitely a challenge but those interested I believe would learn a lot from working there. It’s a lot more than just cleaning and working the cash register.

What was your favorite part about working at the Peace and Justice Center?

Interacting with the customers when they were checking out things in the store.

What are some valuable skills that you gained and will bring into your future careers?

There were a lot of work ethics I learned which at first was nerve racking but as soon I knew how to do it I became more confident.   By Thomas.

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Greetings from Heathrow airport!

As the first Think College student to study abroad, I believe my trip to England was a very fun and enlightening experience.  Our group was studying education in the English countryside, at a primary (elementary) school in the town of Emerson’s Green.  Being a in library science, I did some cataloging work in their library. It was quite interesting to learn the school library system in another country, finding it somewhat similar to ours in America.

Emerson’s Green

As for the rest of our trip, we had to alter our itinerary due to the pandemic.  We spent a great deal of time touring Bristol, seeing its many sights and trying its foods.  Despite ankle pain I got from my new shoes, I enjoyed it a great deal. It was certainly worth the difficulties. By David.

Bristol England

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How do peer-mentors help you in class or help you study?

Chace says, “I get a lot of support from my mentors outside of class with my Stern Center work. They help me understand the reading and the math problems. I also get help on papers I need to do for my classes. During class, my mentors help me understand the materials, dances and pilates moves.”

 My  mentors   help me study  by powerpoints and    taking notes in my class   as my mentors supports My  mentor takes class notes and  skim through my reading homework Madeline

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What are you learning in class?

In ASL class I am learning that American sign language is important for deaf culture. Because I learned a new word, Audism. That means making fun of deaf people. I am learning how to sign so I can understand my other friends that sign.

In effective speaking, I am learning that you need to speak loud, clear, and slow. It is giving me the skills to speak publicly. From a first year student Sophia. 

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Welcome to the University of Vermont, as we started the spring semester on January 13, 2020.  We are excited to have a new student and new mentors starting the program. Let’s have a fun filled semester!

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What’s your favorite part about being in the Feel Good club?

I go to Feel Good on Wednesday from 1:00 to 2:15. We do many sandwiches and my favorite is the Bella.  On some Fridays we have late nights, and we make sandwiches to send it to people’s apartments.   From a first year student Sophia. 

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