Think College Vermont Update

This semester at Think College Vermont some students were taking their courses remotely from the UVM campus. All the students and their mentors still had to be six feet apart from each other. It was still mandatory to wear face masks. The students and mentors were still required to take a COVID-19 test on the UVM campus. 

Think College Vermont provided two remote classes for our students this spring semester. Here are the two fun remote classes that were offered to students this semester, The Basics of Cooking and Baking. The second class was on Friendship and Dating.

During this COVID-19 time. Think College Vermont was not able to hold in-person graduation this year. However, the program recently held a virtual celebration for Thomas Caswell and Bennett Townley on graduating from the program. Madeline Honigman completed the program in 2017, and she stayed to pursue her education with Think College Vermont. During the celebration, we had Katharine Shepherd the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs from (CESS) to wish the students good luck. 

Thanks for your patience. We are hoping to be back on campus in person this fall semester. Have a great summer!!

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