Category Archives: Wes

New BBB front end

Replacing current Drupal6 front end for Big Blue Button with homegrown code derived in part from CTL Events calendar.    

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Lunas Refresh

Tina implores: I haven’t done anything about the lunas project and it feels sad. I don’t want to give up on the project, and I wonder if there is any way for you to do something that we discussed at … Continue reading

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EDUCAUSE 2013 Takeaways

EDUCAUSE Takeaways Analytics Analytics is the use of data, statistical and quantitative methods, and explanatory and predictive models to allow organizations and individuals to gain insights into and act on complex issues. The use of digital tools, especially LMSs and … Continue reading

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EDUCAUSE 2013 Notes

Educause day 1 Opening ceremony, lots of lights and sparkle like the Emmys.  Keynote speaker Sir Ken Robinson. Leading a culture of innovation. We see the world through cultural filters. A a result, trying to predict the effect of IT on … Continue reading

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Vermont Hackathon

On Sep 27, 2013, at 3:11 AM, Becky Grenier wrote: Hello there, I have been a fan of the Vermont Landscape Change Program website for many years now. I get such a kick out of seeing how familiar sights used … Continue reading

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NERCOMP Webinar: Remote Control: How to Engage, Educate and Entertain Your Webinar Audience Monday, 09/30/2013 at 01:00 pm

The recording for yesterday’s session is now ready for you to view: password: nercompvw My notes:   webinars are the future of presenting audience size,cost,reach,staffing, longevity, connectivity challenges detached from audience, uncontrolled environment, new tools, verbal only, no grounding … Continue reading

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CTL Lab machines updates

starting now to be ready by december. There were 65 Important Windows updates alone since June.

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ENVS Capstone Evaluation

Amy Seidl, PhD, Environmental Program , asks We have an evaluation form that the evaluators of senior capstones (theses and internships) fill out. Currently, the form is filled out with pen, signed and returned to us. Because it has a rating … Continue reading

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Events calendar updates

Updated “Create new event/copy from old” to show just the past 24 months of old events Updated Create new event to auto select end date as same date as start Added to Admin ->People: export attendees email list filtered by … Continue reading

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BBB v.81RC

Downloaded and installed BBB version .81RC (Release Candidate) . Release notes:  

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