Monthly Archives: August 2006
movable type and goLive
a client asks asked 1) Is it possible to link Adobe GoLive directly into the moveable type blogging system? There evidently is an API in golive, but I haven’t been able to find the correct URL to link to the … Continue reading
Script Help
Script problems and solutions discussed with Sean Dempsey.
Davis Construction cam movie
Camera 1 knocked out by lightning, zapped all configuration parameters. Reset them, camera back in action.
video for nursing
on July 24, Kurt Schaberg wrote : Hello,My name is Kurt Schaberg and I’m helping Dr. Patricia O’Brien set up her WebCT course web page. I was told to contact you directly regarding putting video on the web page. Dr. … Continue reading
Davis Construction cam troubleshooting
Camera hit by lightning, tried to find image that showed strike
LDAP and Mediawiki
Finished LDAP-mediawiki configuration, taught it how to authorize based on LDAP ou, added documentation o same to wiki project log
Script Help
Script consulting for Rob@CTL (perl and php issues)