Category Archives: mysql
mysql questions
Office of International Education lost passwrod to mysql database created way back in Nov 2002. Found it.
met with Jasmine ( to discuss migrating mySQL tables from database A to database B, associated issues.
mySQL Policies
Jeff Bond wanted a mySQL database for CircusSmirkus, wondered how to get it and if there were any policy issues. I told him no
Short Takes 3
Samer MH El-Jabary wrote: Quoting Wesley Alan Wright :Thanks alot.I am using mySQL administrator but I do not know how to view the records insidethe tables. help? I downloaded and examined MySQL Administrator, and read some documentation. From the documentation: … Continue reading
Activity Log
reset mysql password for a user answered student’s question about why images don’t appear in his webpage updated Dspace statistics for Buddy Tignor researched cubic VRs for Kevin Hytten
Activity Log
solved Gayle Nunley’s Dreamweaver problems consulted with re: file shares, group permissions, mounting network drives corrected some mySQL authorization problems for jbellum
Activity Log
solved a mysql password issue for Adam Carr from Binary Blacksmith — the company hired to create the Rideshare board. rideshare (note to self: add a username check in Doug’s Perseus account creation script sent email to DaVaughn M. … Continue reading
Activity Log
netid unity and mysql account page issues answered j lovelette questions about streaming video video server post-cutover issues parrot scripts met with Gagan Mirchandani to discuss live streaming video
Activity Log
helped kent with new media server configuration, testing post install Tiger problems/solutions c lamont mediawiki problems
Activity Log
met with t lyman to address saving files to DOS formatted firewire drive install Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger helped c lamont with mediawiki install, mysql issues