Category Archives: Video Labs
Embedded video from Media and Podcast manager
This text will be replaced jwplayer(“mediaspace5450″).setup({ players: [{type:”html5″},{type:”flash”,src:””}], file: “”, height: 270, width: 480 });
Art meets RadMind
Finished art lab. It all works like a charm – so far. Talked to Bill, he said Nancy and Tom would be trying stuff out soon. Dunno if all the printers will work, and there is the issue of yet … Continue reading
Art meets RadMind
Started instaling, testing, using RadMind to configure Art Lab. Testing highly focused on Macromedia Dreamweaver, which consistently fails in the CMD. Son of a gun, it works great in Williams 414, on G4s, Gs, and dual G5s. So what’s wrong … Continue reading
CMD Issues
Will reported that Microsoft apps were acting up again (the corrupt font issue). Fixed, for the moment.
Propagated new RadMdn image to CMS Macs 1,2, and 3. And stupid Macormedia Studio MX 2004 applications still do not launch, same symptoms as before. Frustrating. Removed the Macromedia overlay from the configuration, which should have effectively uninstalled all of … Continue reading
Completed configuration. Reconditioned lab eMac with more emmeory, removed OpenFirmware password, updated with RadMind image, started firt update of real lab machines with CMD Mac 4.
Finished up the final configuration, installing Quicktime updates, motion updates, and OS 10.4.7 updates.
CMD/Radmind/Final Cut Studio
Instaled Final Cut Studio on new improved Lab Image. Updated negative transcript to allow mamangement of /Users/Shared . Started install of Adobe CS 2
Continued to build new image. AddedFetchMS Office latest updatesiPhoto 6.04 updates Started install of FCP Studio
Not much to add today: Fetch and Fugo. Saw there is now, of course anoher MS Office update fromJun 13,