Monthly Archives: May 2005
Landscape Change Project: Adding new fields
On May 12, 2005, at 11:29 AM, paul bierman wrote: Anyhow, we are starting in on image uploading and data collection > soon for the summer and there will be three students working. Any chance that you could help us … Continue reading
Activity Log
discovered limitations of webdav with respect to php files (they get parsed!) began to build test structure for new landscape change project edits researched software prices for t lyman
WordPress upgrade part 2: Making UVM a Theme
As part of the 1.2 to 1.5 WordPress upgrade, I thought I would try to see if the UVM template would work in the context of the new Themes mechanism. Yes, it does. Here’s how I got there: basically, followed … Continue reading
Upgrading WordPress 1.2.x to 1.5.1
1) rename ~/public_html/wordpress and ~public_html/wordpress-1.2.2 2) download and unpack distribution file 3) rename resultant folder wordpress-1.5.1 4) make logical link wordpress => wordpress-1.5.1 5) copy wordpress-1.2.2/wp-config.php to wordpress-1.5.1/ 6) run 7) Copy folder wordpress-1.2.2/wp-content to wordpress-1.5.1/ That’s about it … Continue reading
Activity Log
more media server configuration testing (quicktime broadcaster) addressed access issues with upgraded my wordpress installation from 1.2.2 to 1.5.1 reconfigured wordpress to use UVM template as a "Theme"
Activity Log
tested new OS X webdav over ssl support tested and debugged new media server configuration explored Mac OS X Tiger features
Activity Log
Provided consultation to J Ryder and F Swasey regarding options for updated coding and implemntation of CatCard "take money from my credit card and apply to CatScratch" scripts investigated Apple Mail problems arising from Tiger — both my own and … Continue reading
Activity Log
attended apple new products meeting communications with t lyman regarding new art lab hardware, software, current inventory met with Kathy to work on art installation project
Activity Log
helped kent with new media server configuration, testing post install Tiger problems/solutions c lamont mediawiki problems
Tiger first impressions
CIT staff finally got their Tiger disks — sort of. Master disk was reproduced locally on DVD+RW, which many folks machines can’t read. Mine can, so I was the local (to CIT) early adopter. Things went swimmingly until it rebootted … Continue reading