What do you like about your Internship?

Answer: Emily likes to check in with her boss at the New Moon Café. She also likes to put away the dishes and clean the tables. Furthermore, Emily likes to shelf the drinks.

Stocking the cooler at New Moon Cafe
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What are your favorite recreational activities at UVM?

Answer: Ben’s favorite recreational activities are playing the organ, exploring around the UVM campus and downtown, and socializing with other students! (A first-year student Ben T)

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What’s your favorite part of Yoga and Mindfulness?

Answer: My favorite part of Yoga and Mindfulness class is the mindfulness aspects because it is not as exhausting as the yoga and he is working on his meditation skills because he would like to have more control over his mind. (A first-year student Andrew R)

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What’s your favorite thing about Halloween and what are your going to be? What’s your favorite candy?

He answered: #1. What is your favorite thing about Halloween?
My favorite thing about Halloween is dressing up. I like dressing up as Spiderman.
#2. What are you going to be this year?
I am going to be Spiderman. I have a shirt that is colored like Spiderman.
#3. What is your favorite candy?
My favorite candy is Hershey’s chocolate.
#4. Do you have a favorite Halloween song or movie?
#5. Are there any places you like to trick or treat?
I used to like to trick or treat at houses.
(A second year student Matthew A)

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What’s your favorite thing about your class?

Answer: “I’m taking Intro to Anthropology currently as we speak at UVM, trying to learn more about other cultures. Even including language as well as traditions and rituals. It’s pretty awesome stuff if you ask me! I also made some new friends.” (First year student, Daeton O)

Answer: I’m taking Sustainable Vermont. “I like my teacher. I learned not to use a car and not use a lot of gas. Trying to take the bus more.” Madeline H

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What is your favorite part about living on campus?

Sophia Robins and Erin Watson are roommates

Answer: My favorite part about living on campus is you have your own room. One another thing about living on campus is you can decorate your room. When you are running late you can text your mentor that you are coming. Another thing is you can go to the gym together and watch a show together.  Another thing about having a roommate is they are the older roommate that they can help you find something on campus. When you have your own room your family can visit you. I have a kitchen to cook a chicken and I like doing my own thing.  The downside is we have to share the laundry space but it is amazing living on campus when you never sleep away from your home. I am so glad I am on campus. (A first year student Sophia R)

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Think College Orientation 2019

We are excited to welcome our new students to the Think College Vermont program. We kicked off the school year with a scavenger hunt to help the students navigate the UVM campus. The students got the opportunity to visit the club fair on campus then joined the freshman BBQ.

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Thomas Reflects

Here is Thomas reflecting! His first semester as a student at UVM and we are so happy to have him here.

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Friday Reflection

If you could go back in time and change something that
happened in the past few weeks, what would you change and how would you change it?

Answer: If i could time travel i would travel back to Comic-Con.
I would be outside of the building next to the door, I walk inside, but carefully to not cause a shift reaction or paradox. As soon as people don’t see two Joe’s walking i blend into the crowd of other comic con people. They don’t notice because they are busy looking at books. I bump into my past self and i grab him by the the shoulders
and pull him into a dark corner and say to him: “Dude listen! whatever you do look at the prices of the things you want to buy first. Dad will get super peeved off if you max out your credit card to much”. Then I push him back into the comic con crowd and warp
back to the future.Moral: Check the price first and financial planning.

Answer:  If i went back in time it would be into an alley so  people wouldn’t see me walk into Papa John’s two times. Past me goes into papa johns. I take a bus to ECHO center  and go look at cool animals. I am in two places at once. Then I have all this time on my hands. I walk around and get to see new buildings, get to go to  a comedy club. I’m multitasking. Moral: be productive, try to eat healthy and see new sites.

When do you think you need more mentor support? When  do you think you can be more independent?

I think I need more mentor support for really hard questions and for moral support. When the exam happens if it is too stressful I would like you guys to help me out. A Petco adventure would be fun if I could go check it out. It would be nice to have someone to go with me.  I want to get up when it’s daytime without my alarm but at the same time, my alarm helps. I want to organize my notes and put sticks but mentor help would be nice. Maybe an independent action would be going into the living well rooms and learning what they do.    

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Andrew reflects!

Andrew dressed up for Halloween his first semester at UVM

 When do you think you need more mentor support?
I would like help taking notes during class and for homework with my textbook.
I want help with my discussions on blackboard.
I want help organization with emails and blackboard.
When do you think you can be more independent?
I would like to buy foods at the Marche or other places by myself.
I like to walk by myself, but to meet my friends and mentors.
What is something that made you feel good or proud so far this semester?
I have been eating healthy, drinking skim milk and green smoothies. I have been using very little sugar too.
I have been happy with the reading, and the class business savvy.
I listen in the class and do lots of homework.
I like doing sports and being active this semester: soccer, basketball, and working out.
I feel good about being with the mentors and friends: playing pool, foosball in Brennans, playing sorry, and playing cards.

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