Kathryn grew up in a Shelburne, Vermont with her parents and younger brother and sister. She is a sophomore at UVM. Kathryn is very excited to be an elementary education major and is hoping to get a dual-licensure in special education.
At UVM, Kathryn is part of the Nordic ski club, Amnesty International club, ESL tutoring club, SEEDS (Student Environmental Educators Doing Service), and is an Eco-Rep. Outside of UVM, she loves playing field hockey, running, teaching swim lessons, and teaching piano lessons. Kathryn also enjoys being outdoors during all of the Vermont seasons. She loves Nordic and alpine skiing and sledding in the winter and hiking, biking, swimming, and kayaking in the summer.
Kathryn is very excited to get the experience to meet and learn more about all of the mentors and students part of Think College!