Gabby grew up in Medfield, MA with her parents and two older sisters. She is studying Social Work and Spanish here at the University of Vermont, and plans on going on to graduate school to get her MSW. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, puppies, watching YouTube videos, sitting by the fire with a good book, skiing, drinking tea, and cheering on the Bruins.
Gabby is looking forward to an amazing first semester with Think College!
Final Semester
I’m sitting in the “Fishbowl,” sipping on tea and talking to April as I write this post. I have been able to spend more time with April this semester, and it has been such a joy to make a new friend! Think College has given me many opportunities over the past few semesters, but I cherish making new friends the most. Many of the students and mentors are able to get together for lunch on Fridays (if you haven’t been coming already, please do!) and this time is easily the best part of my week.
I’m bummed to be finishing up with Think College and UVM semester, but I am always going to look back fondly on this program after graduation! I have shared many laughs, hugs, stories, successes, and even a few failures with such an incredibly supportive team. I truly feel at home with this group.
I would love to see this program grow and expand, and look forward to hearing about the students and mentors to come.
Thank you to everyone involved, and everyone to come! You all are amazing.
Gabby Harvey
Time Flies..
It’s not really October…is it? It feels as though the start of the semester was only a few days ago and we were welcoming several new students into our program.
What I love about Think College VT is that we are such a tight-knit group that everyone has a place here and something to teach everyone else. This year Matt has shared his desire to help others and his knowledge in chickens, while April has showed us all her dance moves and passion! Both of the Brittanys have shared their hard working attitudes and stories. Leah has inspired all of us to get fit while Stirling has us all in awe of what she can do with videos. Kiesha has reminded us that reading is a vital part of any college experience and it is always nice to escape into a great book!
All of our students and mentors have inspired me to work harder, help more and laugh over these past two semesters. I look forward to every encounter with each and every student (and even our LATE night mentor meetings). It is so gratifying to be part of such a dedicated team!
Enough blabbering from me though… Off to hang out with Brittany and see what campus has to offer!