Colleen Hanley is an undergraduate student studying biology and psychology at the University of Vermont. She was born in Boston, MA and grew up around the city immersed in the culture of Boston. Colleen loves the outdoors and often goes skiing in the winters, and hiking year round. She spends summers working with Camp Sunshine in Casco-Raymond Maine, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping cancer patients and their families, acting as a place where “Kids can be kids and families can be families.”
At Camp Sunshine, Colleen was able to experience the beauty of making connections with others and acting as a support for others who she may have never met in her day to day life. From this experience on she became involved in many organizations dedicated to various ways of helping make the world wide community a better place. Think College at the University Vermont stood out to Colleen as an incredible organization that does exactly that-aims to create a more progressive community where social justice is not merely something in a textbook, but a continual journey being carried out every day.
Throughout her time at UVM Colleen is excited to contribute to Think College in their journey of destigmatizing mental health while helping the amazing students of Think College achieve their goals.
After college she aspires to join Peace Corps, expanding her views and challenging herself to continually open her mind to new cultures and new experiences.