Author Archives: speebles

What are your favorite recreational activities at UVM?

Answer: Ben’s favorite recreational activities are playing the organ, exploring around the UVM campus and downtown, and socializing with other students! (A first-year student Ben T)

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What’s your favorite part of Yoga and Mindfulness?

Answer: My favorite part of Yoga and Mindfulness class is the mindfulness aspects because it is not as exhausting as the yoga and he is working on his meditation skills because he would like to have more control over his mind. (A … Continue reading

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What’s your favorite thing about Halloween and what are your going to be? What’s your favorite candy?

He answered: #1. What is your favorite thing about Halloween? My favorite thing about Halloween is dressing up. I like dressing up as Spiderman. #2. What are you going to be this year? I am going to be Spiderman. I … Continue reading

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What’s your favorite thing about your class?

Answer: “I’m taking Intro to Anthropology currently as we speak at UVM, trying to learn more about other cultures. Even including language as well as traditions and rituals. It’s pretty awesome stuff if you ask me! I also made some … Continue reading

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What is your favorite part about living on campus?

Answer: My favorite part about living on campus is you have your own room. One another thing about living on campus is you can decorate your room. When you are running late you can text your mentor that you are coming. … Continue reading

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Think College Orientation 2019

We are excited to welcome our new students to the Think College Vermont program. We kicked off the school year with a scavenger hunt to help the students navigate the UVM campus. The students got the opportunity to visit the … Continue reading

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