Think College at the University of Vermont (UVM) is an innovative, inclusive, academic, social, and vocational transition program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities seeking a college experience and career path. Participants earn a 12 credit Certificate of College Studies for non-matriculated students designed to include Academic Enrichment, Social & Recreational Skills, Life Skills & Self-Advocacy, and Career Skills & Work Experience.
Think College at UVM incorporates student-centered planning, academic advising, and peer mentors for an inclusive, supportive college experience. Think College is a one to two-year non-degree certificate program through the UVM Continuing Education department and the UVM Center on Disability and Community Inclusion; thus, it is a tuition and fee-based program based on eligibility criteria and offered within the bounds of reasonable accommodation at the university.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Students may begin the program in the fall or spring. Download Think College application here: 2022Think-College-Application-Packet2022 Think College Application Packet
Think College at the University of Vermont was originally funded under the US Department of Education Transition and Post-Secondary Education Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (TPSID) from 2010-2015. The program is now funded through program fees and donations.
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