
The typography for this theme is kept simple, but we do have some tips for typesetting.

Video Styles

Inserting video into your website is easy if your video is already publicly hosted on YouTube or Vimeo. Some types of video displays require the video to be hosted on the WordPress website. To add a YouTube or Vimeo hosted video to your page: While you are on the page you wish to edit, click …

This is a sample post

This is an H2 headline the image above needs to get fixed. It should be centered. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Auctor eu augue ut lectus arcu bibendum. Neque sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl. Dui nunc mattis enim ut tellus …

This Is a Post Title

This is a sample post showing the styling of different types of content often used. Headlines, images, tables etc. Posts in WordPress can be used for news, journaling, research documentation etc. and can embed all sorts of media and different types of content. This is placeholder text and is not intended to be read. If …

Block: Image

Images get placed on a page with the “IMAGE” block. You can choose alignment None, Left, Right, and Center. The next release of our theme will add support for align wide, and full width. TIP: Try to avoid having images flush right or left with text wrapping as this formatting doesn’t work well on mobile. You …

Block: Button

There are 2 different button styles supported by our WordPress theme- Solid (default) and Outline. To add a button to your page: While you are on the page you wish to edit, either click on the little [+] icon at the top left of your page or click the [+] symbol after the block where you …

Image Styles

WordPress calls images that have text titles “cover blocks.” Here are some pre-made styles that let you add images with text overlay. The background image can be fixed or parallax and you can change its opacity and add an overlay color. Image with transparent overlay and optional title Reusable Block Name: Cover These images have …

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