Greens Spinners for Farm Use

Download the PDF Fact Sheet Here! Introduction An important factor in growing and selling high-quality salad greens is being able to efficiently wash, cool, and dry the product. The drying step is commonly done using centrifugal force in a spinner.  The water is spun off of the greens through a filter basket or other porous …

Floor Design for Vegetable Wash, Pack and Storage Areas

Download the PDF Fact Sheet Here! Introduction It is easy to ignore the thing beneath our feet, but floors are an important part of produce wash and pack areas that deserve special attention. They can impact efficiency, ergonomics, employee health, worker fatigue, personnel safety, and produce safety.  There are also a number of design features …

Great Lakes EXPO Highlight Video

The Great Lakes Expo is a very large agriculture conference in Grand Rapids, MI. Here are some snippets from the trip and some vendors that were showcasing their products.  

Post Harvest Handling & Storage for Small Farms

This presentation was given by Chris Callahan from at the Great Lakes Expo in Grand Rapids Michigan in December 2017. He discusses the differences between fruit and vegetable storage needs, finish surfaces for wash/pack areas or coolers as well as temperature and humidity controls.   A frequently asked question we get is about vapor barrier …


The Agricultural Engineering Program of UVM Extension is dedicated to enhancing Vermont’s food systems through analysis, design, evaluation and adoption of infrastructure, technology and equipment that meet the needs of food producers and processors. Vermont’s food systems are experiencing increased localization, value addition, diversification, extension of growing season and increased market demand.  New crops and …

New England Vegetable & Fruit Conference 2017

In addition to attending the Great Lakes Expo, UVM Ag Engineering attended the New England Vegetable & Fruit Conference in Manchester, NH. This conference is very well suited for the small-scale and highly diversified farmers that populate the North East. This conference is filled with a variety of vendors at the trade show, presentations covering specific details …

The AZS Rinse Conveyor at Picadilly Farm

Picadilly Farm is owned and operated by Jenny and Bruce Wooster since 2006. Their farm is located in the South East Corner of New Hampshire in Winchester and has about 30 acres in production. They provide fresh produce to over 1,000 families through CSA shares spread across New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts. Bruce reached out …

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