Tag Archives: Boffins

Geology Landscape Change project exploded Chapter 4

On Jul 26, 2014, at 6:28 PM, Paul Bierman wrote: I got in a dozen times with no connection warnings… searched for dog and horse…all good. but cow, well that got me the attached warning. p   Session cache getting … Continue reading

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Geology Landscape Change project exploded Chapter 3

I spent a lot of hours on this today. I think I’ve nailed it down. Altered general form of Sql toSELECT ls, sequence, county, town, title, PHOTOGRAPHER, images.FILENAME, MEDIA, PHOTOYEAR, PHOTOSOURCE, description, keywords, format_extent, DATUM, longitude, latitude, utm_northing, utm_easting, ELEVATION, … Continue reading

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mediamanager hiccup

Media Manager misbehaving again, and once again SSA was to blame On Jul 11, 2014, at 6:58 AM, Benjamin Coddington wrote: That corresponds with a change in request handling we made late Monday / early Tuesday.  We’re routing incoming requests … Continue reading

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Geology Landscape Change project exploded Chapter 1

SAA reports that certain GLCP actions are creating giant log messages in mySQL servers and thus making their beepers beep. Problem associated with using mySQL for session handling and an ever increasing number of new images. SAA made a couple … Continue reading

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What is virtualbox? VirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also the only professional solution that is … Continue reading

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Gund Done?

Taylor wrote  formatting – still some minor things here.  Remember, we have 3 types of publications: journal article, book, and book section.  That should be recorded a field in the database we send you.  Here are specifics: – journal articles: … Continue reading

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archaeological project data

On May 14, 2014, at 6:31 PM, Mike Austin wrote: On Wed, 14 May 2014, Andrew Hendrickson wrote: This is a long shot, but is anyone else at UVM deploying ARK?  It’s an open source application for recording archaeological project … Continue reading

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Hybrid Case Studies

Ines asked, I met with J and Henrie this week because they want me to write some case studies on the hybrid course development/teaching process. Eventually there will be 30+ but it’ll be a smaller number to start.  They want … Continue reading

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IT-Align survey

I was tasked to extract select statistics an summarize for the committee .

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MS Access Issues

On Mar 31, 2014, at 11:09 AM, Kristen Cameron wrote: Hi Wes: I have some MS Access questions again. I’m wondering if you could show me how to show more information in queries. As it is set up know, I … Continue reading

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