Geology Landscape Change project exploded Chapter 3

I spent a lot of hours on this today. I think I’ve nailed it down. Altered general form of Sql to

SELECT ls, sequence, county, town, title, PHOTOGRAPHER, images.FILENAME, MEDIA, PHOTOYEAR, PHOTOSOURCE, description, keywords, format_extent, DATUM, longitude, latitude, utm_northing, utm_easting, ELEVATION, format_creation, contributor_collector, contributor_scientific_advisor, contributor_reviewer, coverage_periodname, coverage_placename, times_viewed, PUBLIC, (longitude”” or utm_northing””) has_location FROM images left join viewcounts on images.FILENAME=viewcounts.FILENAME where MATCH (images.FILENAME, OriginalFileName, ls, title, keywords, description, town, county, PHOTOSOURCE, PHOTODATE, PHOTOYEAR, PHOTOGRAPHER, MEDIA, identifier_citation, title_alternative, publisher) AGAINST (‘+dogs’ IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND (STATUS = ‘X’) ORDER BY title

Cache results using session variables

Extract start, limit subsets from session variables

PLEASE TEST, paint is still wet

WATCH OUR FOR out of space warnings. Session files getting pretty big


On Jul 26, 2014, at 1:58 PM, Jim Lawson wrote:

Yes, glcp ran out of space just now. Added 5gb of space to /. Weak network covg from here, so can’t do detailed troubleshooting …

About Wesley Wright

Born on a mountain top near New York City, Craziest state in the land of the pretty. Raised in the woods so's he knew every tree, Killed him a bear when he was only three.
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