Activity Log

  • went through scripts on with fined toothed comb, looking for keepers, mission critiical apps, and junk. Created and discussed master list with f swasey. scripts are being migrated from AIX to Linux
  • prepared time estimate for paul bierman regarding changes to landscape code
  • more video server testing
Posted in Landscape Change, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • investigated Java installation in Mac OS X issues for J Bellum
  • investigated UVM Template printing problems
Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Systems and Servers, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • tracked down issue with new Tiger iCal application and related to meetings displayed in UTC rather than local time
  • provided consulting to D Jacobowitz  for perl CGI-BIN programming at UVM
  • tested new Cisco VPN clients
  • finally figured out how to get "SDP Announce" method to work with QuickTime broadcaster and
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Moose is Loose

Saw a big ol’ Moose chowing down in the Hollow Brook Swamp last night on my way home from work, about a mile and a half from my house. I burst in the door to tell Vickie, and was almost tackled by William, who loudly exclaimed, “Daddy, we saw a moose!” But the one they saw was about a mile and a half away from the house in the other direction. Unless that moose — who seemed equally content dining right where it was at — suddenly picked itself up and hoofed it three miles down the road and over the hill in less than an hour, it appears my neighborhood is swimming in moose. Now, which of them left the 4″ deep hoof tracks in my yard back in April?

Posted in My pitiful Life | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • more software research for t lyman
  • more video server testing and debugging
  • researched utilities to convert WMV to MOV file formats for A Quinn
  • explained realproducer settings to b bittman/wruv
Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Video and Audio, Video Labs | Leave a comment

Landscape Change Project: Adding new fields

On May 12, 2005, at 11:29 AM, paul bierman wrote:

Anyhow, we are starting in on image uploading and data collection > soon for the summer and there will be three students working. Any  chance that you could help us add a few fields for both the  historic and modern images? It would be great if the students  could upload these data now rather than out having to go back and  do it later

Adding fields to database tables is easy.

Fields and Dublin Core approximates

  •  photographer => contributer.photographer > is already there — just doesn’t appear on all the forms
  •  scan date => date.created
  •  scan equipment => format.creation
  •  archive image quality => format.extent
  •  original title => title.alternative
  • image collector => contributer.collector ?
  • originating archive identifier => identifier.citation
  • image creator or publisher => publisher
  • special collection identifier = identifier.other

Fixing the scripts is the ugly part. The variations on workflow (Public Submission; Management Submission; Single Historic, Single reshoot, or both; Submission approval; Archive edit) and script locations, names, and functions is more than mildly confusing.

from (Landscape Change Program Management Procedures) we can go to

  • "Submit Historic Pair" (which calls LS_PROCESSX5.php to process the submission)
  •  "submit reshoot" (which calls LS_PROCESSX5_Single.php)

from submit_options.htm (Public Submit a photo pages) we can go to both of those, and

  • "submit single historic" LS_Submit_Singl_Hist_photo.php (which calls LS_PROCESSX5.php)

from (Landscape Change Program Management Procedures) we can also go to


which takes us to

  • SUBMISSION REVIEW (Temp files) LS_CheckTransfer.php (which calls LS_PROCESS3.php)

 which takes us to

  • SUBMISSION REVIEW (archive files) LS_ArchiveDisplay.php (which calls LS_PROCESS4.php)

And if you click the "Add Another File" button here

  • SINGLE SUBMIT FORM FOR EXISTING SET: Admin Versions LS_SingleSubmit.php (different from /submitting/LS_SingleSubmit.php ?)

which calls LS_ProcessSingle.php

So, by my count, the following scripts need to be edited to account for additional input information

  • LS_Submit_Singl_Hist_photo.php
  • LS_PROCESSX5_Single.php
  • LS_CheckTransfer.php
  • LS_PROCESS3.php
  • LS_ArchiveDisplay.php
  • LS_PROCESS4.php
  • LS_SingleSubmit.php
  • LS_ProcessSingle.php

It took me better than an hour just to figure this out. It could be another 16-24 man hours to make it all work. So, I could do it — but it will cost you. I just don’t know what.

Posted in Landscape Change, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • discovered limitations of webdav with respect to php files (they get parsed!)
  • began to build test structure for new landscape change project edits
  • researched software prices for t lyman

Posted in Landscape Change, MacOS Support, Projects, Video Labs, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

WordPress upgrade part 2: Making UVM a Theme

As part of the 1.2 to 1.5 WordPress upgrade, I thought I would try to see if the UVM template would work in the context of the new Themes mechanism.

Yes, it does.

Here’s how I got there:

basically, followed instructions . Converted to unix commands in the context of my blog folders, this amounted to

  • cd public_html/wordpress/wp-content/themes/
  • mkdir uvm
  • cp ../../default.php uvm/index.php
  • cd ../..
  • mv index_orig.php default.php
  • pico wp-content/themes/uvm/index.php
  • cp waw.css wp-content/themes/uvm/style.css
  • pico wp-content/themes/uvm/style.css

RSS2 link still broken. Looking into that now.

Posted in Blogs, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Upgrading WordPress 1.2.x to 1.5.1

1) rename ~/public_html/wordpress and ~public_html/wordpress-1.2.2

2) download and unpack distribution file

3) rename resultant folder wordpress-1.5.1

4) make logical link wordpress => wordpress-1.5.1

5) copy wordpress-1.2.2/wp-config.php to wordpress-1.5.1/

6) run

7) Copy folder wordpress-1.2.2/wp-content to wordpress-1.5.1/

That’s about it for “normal” users. Now comes the tricky part….
making it use the UVM template

8 ) rename wordpress/index.php wordpress/index_orig.php

9) copy wordpress-1.2.2/magicscript.php to wordpress-1.5.1/

10) copy wordpress-1.2.2/defaultmenu.html to wordpress-1.5.1/

11) copy wordpress-1.2.2/default.php to wordpress-1.5.1/

12) copy wordpress-1.2.2/waw.css to wordpress-1.5.1/

So far, so good. Except now most ever link is busted.

A return to the drawing board reveals that the WordPress folks made
some big changes to their code that actually favors the UVM template.
I had previously altered:

wp-settings.php : changed the value of $querystring_start
from ‘?’ to ‘&’;
database table xxx_options, field blogfilename=default.php
database table xxx_options, field home=

Well, now there is no $querystring_start defined in the new wp-
settings.php, database table xxx_options, field blogfilename is
empty, and database table xxx_options, field home=

Links OK now, but comments section of default.php template generating
errors. Changed


wp-comments.php doesn’t exist anymore. Replacement code from sample
wp.php file.

Now it looks like the only thing now working quite right is the RSS2
link. Maybe that will get fixed when I convert to the new 1.5 Themes

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Activity Log

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