Activity Log

  • reset mysql password for a user
  • answered student’s question about why images don’t appear in his webpage
  • updated Dspace statistics for Buddy Tignor
  • researched cubic VRs for Kevin Hytten
  • Posted in Dspace, mysql, Projects, Video and Audio, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

    Re: Question about Virtual Tours

    On Jun 23, 2005, at 1:43 PM, somebody wrote:

    I know you work with streaming media but I have a question about  creating full virtual tours for the web maybe you could help with.  What I am thinking about is more then just a 306 degree QTVR, but a  full fishball view. I am re designing the res life web site and we  want to add some images of rooms and other locations on campus.

     I don’t know if you have experience with these or not, check out  this link to see what I mean: 

     We just got a new camera – a Canon Rebel XT and we have a tri pod.  I also have Adobe Creative Studio and some Canon software. I am  able to stitch together images to make a 306 but that is just on  one plane. Do you know of anyone who has done this at UVM and has  a software suggestion?  Let me know if you have any thoughts.

    It’s been years since anyone contacted me about panoramic images. The web team subcontracted the job for these I can’t recall who did them — Deb Goller probably knows. A Ken Burns (not THE Ken Burns), I think. This guy (Tom Pollak) is a local and could/would probably do them for you, if you want to spend money.

    Some Free/Cheap software possibilities can be found here . Most everything seems to be based on "Pano Tools."

    From what I can tell, software is the least of the issues, compared to building a camera rig and calibrating lenses. See

    Posted in Projects, Video and Audio | Leave a comment gets noticed by others

    People are showing interest in my calendar scripts. is a perl script. It uses a perl module I developed called Capi which provides a perl XSUB interface to the Oracle Calendar "capi" (Calendar API) library distributed on the Oracle Calendar installation CDs.

    I have compiled and used the Xsub on AIX and Redhat Linux. The tricky bit is getting the library names and locations correct in Makefile.PL . The oracle samples folder gives some hints — look at the various makefiles there for assistance.

    In it’s current form, our CAPI module marginally ready for widespread redistribution:

    • I haven’t written much documentation
    • I’m not sure how portable the implementation is across different unix implementations
    • If it doesn’t work, don’t blame me 🙂


    Nonetheless — the fact that other folks might want to use this is gratifying, so I have placed the files on the web for easy downloading. Good luck.

    On Jun 20, 2005, at 5:22 PM, Matthew Mulligan wrote:

    Greetings from Wisconsin –

    I work for the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee developing solutions for Mac users on campus. After about an hour of searching last night, I stumbled across your and was pretty impressed. Though I couldn’t grab the actual script, it got me thinking about Oracle Calendar integrating with iCal on my own campus. I was wondering if you would be able to point me in the right direction. We also use an Oracle Calendar setup similar to yours and would like to accomplish the same thing you have with its integration on a Mac.

    I was curious if you would be willing to either let me see the script or give me some assistance in accomplishing the same kind of thing. If we ended up using it, I would have no problem giving you due credit on our campus website. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Awesome job.

    Matthew Charles Mulligan
    Campus Solution Center
    ITPS Dispatch Supervisor
    Web Based Learning Systems Specialist
    I&MT – Student Technology Services
    University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
    CSC Help Desk – 414.229.4040
    WBLS Toll-Free – 1.877.381.3459
    Email –

    and Graham Heyes

    Hello I am the Computer Center Director at Jefferson lab (see
    we use the corporate time calendar and I see that you have a Perl script
    which allows subscription of Apple iCal to the CorporateTime calendar.
    Would it be possible to obtain a copy of the script? Thank You

    Posted in Documentation, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

    Activity Log

  • Lots of work on Landscape Change code
  • Applescript development and consulting for
  • Posted in Landscape Change, MacOS Support, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

    Concept mapping software -server implementation

    On Jun 23, 2005, at 4:16 PM, Justin Henry wrote:

    Paul is interested in having HMC CmapServer available for his students. In looking at the website, it looks like the OSX version would be the esaiest to install (i.e. the Linux version requires a restart of the machine, at least according to the instructions):

    Would you know of a machine that we could install this on? I think I may know of a few more faculty who might be interested in something like this as well. What do you think?

    Interesting path — from Paul to Andrew to Mike to Shirley to Wendy to Justin.

    Yes, I can install it on either weasel (ancient G3 Mac OS X server) or badger (better dual processor IBM Fedora core server).

    No, you don’t need to restart the linux machine. Don’t always trust install instruction.

    I can prolly get to it early-middle of next week.

    -Justin Paul Bierman wrote: > >

    Here it is. The software is very well documented so I presume the server side will also be???but give it a look with your much more experienced eyes and tell me what you think! Thanks so much,

    What we really need is someone who has access to the UVM servers and enough expertise to set up the server side…we have the clients installed on all the geology computers. I’d like to use the software all fall and my hope is to get other faculty (both inside and outside of Geology) interested in what I view as a great learning tool (and a great tool for faculty to organize their ideas). So…it would be great if you all can get a start on this…and see how much work it looks to be? If you can’t do the install for us…is there anyone else on campus who could help?

    Posted in Projects, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

    Activity Log

  • solved Gayle Nunley’s Dreamweaver problems
  • consulted with re: file shares, group permissions, mounting network drives
  • corrected some mySQL authorization problems for jbellum
  • Posted in MacOS Support, mysql, Projects, Systems and Servers, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

    Activity Log

    • reinvestigated for jbellum the "C Wrapper" trick discussed at to see if status has changed: nope — still doesn’t work for php files
    • Worked on Landscape Change code
    • consulted with re: preferences on recently installed CMD Macintosh. Needed to reset some stuff; had problems with the update scripts I developed (forgot to add a user check for "cmd"). Took a couple of hours to get everything finessed just right.
    Posted in Landscape Change, MacOS Support, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

    Activity Log

  • investigated issue with affecting . PHP internal error/DFS pathology
  • fixed problems introduced by recent edits to htpasswd/passwords.php
  • worked on Applescripting issues for Brian Everill
  • long consult with jbellum re: variety of php coding issues and some other little technology todo’s concerning his assessment information system.
  • Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

    Activity Log

  • Fixed a problem on the WRUV Mac where the "Click to Listen" shortcut on the desktop pointed to by IP address rather than canonical name . While I was there, I ran software update on office and studio macs, brought everything up to date, and recovered admin password for office Mac for Brian Bittman.
  • consulted with Tatianna S. regarding recommendations for codecs and streaming speeds (multiples for QuickTime videos
  • Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

    Activity Log

  • Fixed more problems introduced with latest version of .
  • Some of those problems appeared to only affect Alan. Jim lawson tells us, "There is a pathological interaction buried deep within DFS and PHP’s readdir() function. It causes the webserver to dump core when directories with a certain number of entries are encountered." Wonderful.
  • Landscape Change Project coding
  • Posted in Landscape Change, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment