Subtitled Italian Videos

Cristina wants her advanced italian class to subtitle a video.

Her sample video, however,  was ripped from DVD using VLC player and compressed with DivX codec, which isn’t installed in LRC lab. So there has been some back-and-forth between her and Vincent and I as to what to do.

I’m also looking at MagPie as a subtitle tool — first experiences were not good, as it wiped out /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.3/Libraries, then crashed and burned while running it.

Gonna give iit another shot, though.

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Streaming Video for L Izzo

Lou Izzo wante dto know about stremaing vide, both live and archived.

I went over to the CTL, set up one DV camera with RealProducer, and other with QuickTime broadcaster. Put the cameras next to each other to get roughly the same picture, looked at results side by side on my Mac. Setting up the PC/RealProducer took some work, as I forgot that the room was wired with a new WIFI access point which does NAT. NAT mean NAUGHT with RealProducer.

Both looked pretty good, but the RealVideo one did a lot of stop-rebuffer-restart. Need to look into that, if and when I get a real PC.

Nonetheless, Lou liked what he saw, and wants to try some things himself.

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Tina Escaja wrote

 I am currently working on bringing three Spanish visual artists from London and Spain next Spring to the L/L Gallery. I am going to collaborate to the project by placing around the wall of the Gallery a bar-code-poem that the visitor can scan and then listen from a close-by computer. I found out that what I need is the alpha-numeric code 128, or something like this, to be able to have words with the bar code. But the visual also plays an important part in the exhibition, and I would like to use the more classic Bar-Code style and separate the lines of the poem by extending the lines of the bar code.

Instead of numbers, we would have the words of the poem with separations for each line of the poem.

What do your think? Perhaps we could play with some program to make this possible…

I am also attaching the poems that I would like to have bar-coded. They are in Spanish, so another possible option would be to have two levels of readings (like one in Spanish and one in English… with different colors?)

I am going to present some of my visual poetry in Spain this November. I wonder if it could be possible to have an example by then.

Here’s an example poem:

Lugar del silencio

Mantenerse fuera, privado, cómoda en la medida
en que las flores brotan
y los grillos ofrecen espasmos rituales.
lo demás no existe
Mantener la distancia, la perfecta armonía de un silencio perfecto.
Protegida del ruido, del estertor del miedo, de la falacia humana,
simple y serena.
Hundida en el amor frugal a lo inmediato.
lo demás no existe
el dolor no existe no existe el grito ni la falta no
No pasa     nada.
Silencio quieto, partitura en blanco.
La paz hipócrita del enamorado.
Vanidad del refugio,
mientras el mundo sucumbe y sangra.
sucumbe y sangra
silenciado y mordido.


El lugar del silencio es la indiferencia.

First, gotta convert to 7-bit ASCII, save in text file named, say, poem

Then, download and install barcode from here

Write a little script

local $_;
my $i=0;
while () {
    `barcode -b "$_" -o "poem$i.eps"  -e "code128" -p "11x2in" -E`

This outputs each line of poem as an EPS file, which can then be manipulated easily in PhotoShop or Illustrator.

Read the poem back: This sound file created with Text  Reader

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Art Lab Update

Tom Brennan passed along a number of Art Lab Issues

  • PhotoShop, File Menu, Browse: supposed to open a file browser (now implimented as a separate application called Adobe Bridge). Adobe Photoshop returns the error, "Error 2: photoshop is undefined. Line 1 -> photoshop.invokeBridge (false, false, ");" when you attempt to start Adobe Bridge by choosing File > Browse or by clicking Go To Bridge in the Options bar. Adobe descibes problem here, however, their solutions 1 and 2 didn’t work;  I wasn’t about to try 3; and 4 didn’t seem to apply. Noticed it did work when logged in as administrator, so I took a chance and changed grou ownership of /Library/Application Support/Adobe to group customer with read/write permissions. Now it works
  • The machine originally connected to the Minolta-Konica Dual DS IV scanner wouldn’t make the scanner go. Solution was to copy /Users/cmd/Library/Preferences/Dual Scan IV/ to /Users/customer/Library . Works now.
  • Using Espon Printer Utility on Print Server was causing kenel panic. Could not duplicate.
  • Large print jobs or lots of print jobs yielding garbled output yo printer. Guessing this is a processing/RAM bottleneck. Recommended installing one of the old lab G4 machines as a replacement, assuming I can bump up the RAM.

Problems mostly solved, but solution not yet pushed out to all Macs. Gotta go back soon and do so. Goes something like this:

  1. Login as administrator
  2. Run Software Update
  3. Terminal Application
    1. sudo rm -R /Library/Management
    2. sudo ditto –rsrc /Volumes/Art 1/Users/customer /Library/Management
    3. sudo chown -R customer:customer /Library/Management
    4. sudo chgrp -R customer /Library/Applications Support/Adobe
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More broken Landscape code

I’m preparing to write a script to extract data from the LCP data base for ingestion into Dspace.

While looking at the raw contents of the database using CocoaSQL, I noticed a bunch of records from the last few days, all with the same LS#: namely, LS00001

This is bad.

Go to Advanced search, search for LS0001, see what happens.

Looks like the maximum LS# is 10000, as in LS10000 . I’m guessing something in the old code goes whack at that magic number.

Finally found  the offensive line of code in /:/perkins/landscape/WORKING_FOLDER/LS_PROCESS3.php

Former programmer had

    $result=mysql_query($query) or die("Problem Here");
    While ($line= mysql_fetch_array($result)){

Well, first off, selecting 10,000 (or even 1000) records and looping through them all just to find the last used FILENAME is wicked inefficient — both for the PHP code and the mySQL server.

Then, once a filename name was found, say




substr($LFN,3,10) should then yield or even . How adding 1 to that ever worked, I dunno

New code:

    $result=mysql_query($query) or die("Problem Here");
    While ($line= mysql_fetch_array($result)){

This fix should prevent further instances of FILENAME = LS00001_000.jpg records; however, fixing the damage done is another story.

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XEROX 7700 printing and other issue in art lab

Jane Petrillo was having issues printing to the Art lab 7700 printer. It worked fine for us when we me, of course — once we put paper in. I suggested the problem probably was a "Stopped Printer" condition on the print server. I showed her how to start a stopped printer. We also discussed using SMB://zoofiles/graphic  rather than afp://izoo to get to networked files, and adding fonts in OS X;

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Finally got around to creating a database and aquisition script for Diamond Island weather data:

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Dspace LDAP finishing touches

The last bits of the puzzle.

  • Wanted to force users ths SSL port for login, but not necessarily for anything else
  • Wanted LDAP authenticated users forced into the UVM group, so that collections private to UVM could be accessed by NetID and password

Solution to both was found in and Combined both into, using MIT code to dynamically assign e-people with email addresses ending in to the UVM group; and adding a new config value to dspace.cfg called sslURL. This new config value was concatenated to a URL string in the Authenticator code such that requests requiring authentication were redirected the + servercontext

Now needed to change some text on authntication page. Text was hidden in [dspace-source]/config/language-pack/ . Fixed that, recompiled, redeployed, and viola!

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Make Dspace talk to LDAP

Option 1, which should work, near as I can tell from several hours googling, is to build a "Trusted Keystore" — put a copy of the LDAP servers cert into a different keystore:

    keytool -import -file my_ldap_cert.cer -alias my_ldap_cert -keystore trusted.keystore

Now add that to your Tomcat (version 5.0.27 or better) container. For example,

    <Connector port="443"
        maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
        enableLookups="false" disableUploadTimeout="true"
        acceptCount="100" debug="0" scheme="https" secure="true"
        clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"
        keystoreFile="/usr/share/ssl/certs/tomcat.p12" keystorePass="xxxxxx"
        truststoreFile="/usr/share/ssl/certs/trusted.keystore" truststorePass="xxxx"

Note that in this example, my Tomcat SSL cert is saved in PKCS12 (I generated my key and CSR with openssl), while my truststoreFile (created with keytool) is in JKS format.

Looks good, on paper, and I found a number of web references that suggest this should work — but it didn’t

Option 2, which did work (but I found a reference that said it didn’t, try option 1) was to put a copy of the LDAP servers cert into the default JAVA keystore:

    keytool -import -file my_ldap_cert.cer -alias my_ldap_cert -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts

This did work, thus ending 5 or 6 hours of head banging.

Here’s one of my references

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Dspace: Upgrade from 1.3alpha1 to 1.3.1

  1. Create/alter aliases dspace-last and dspace-current to reflect new /usr/local/src directory structure
  2. compare /usr/local/src/dspace-last/conf/dspace.cfg to /usr/local/src/dspace-last/conf/dspace.cfg, merge
  3. copy extra jar files from dspace-last/lib to dspace-current-lib:
    • cd /usr/local/src/dspace-current
    • cp ../dspace-last/lib/jai_* lib
    • cp ../dspace-last/lib/mlibwrapper_jai.jar lib
    • cp ../dspace-last/lib/postgresql.jar lib
  4. Remove the old version of xerces.jar from your installation, so it is not inadvertently later used:
    rm /dspace/lib/xerces.jar
  5. compare and merge  /usr/local/src/dspace-last/src/org/dspace/app/mediafilter/ /usr/local/src/dspace-current/src/org/dspace/app/mediafilter/
  6. copy local jsp files from /usr/local/src/dspace-last/jsp/local to /usr/local/src/dspace-current/local and merge/compare with new default files.
  7. Build and install the updated DSpace 1.3.1 code. Go to the [dspace-1.3.1-source] directory, and run:

    ant -Dconfig=[dspace]/config/dspace.cfg update

  8. go to , click on Tomcat Manager, enter secret words. Stop and undeploy /dspace and /dspace-oai
  9. deploy war file at jar:file:/usr/local/src/dspace-current/build/dspace.war!/
  10. deploy war file at jar:file:/usr/local/src/dspace-current/build/dspace-oai.war!/

Surprisingly, it all seemed to work.

LDAP logins still broken, however: need certificate added to JAVA_HOME security keystore.

While waiting for that, it’s probably a good time to work on some custom authorization code to force e-people regitsered via LDAP into a UVM group.

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