Musings on Mediasite

The most complete Mediasite pricing model I could find comes from Colorado:

One-time Server Software ranges in price from maybe $20000 (msrp) for 5 recorders to $100000 (discounted, msrp=$338,100) for 100 recorders

One-time Classroom Appliances are $15,000-$25,000  apiece for portable and $10,000-$22,500 for full-sized permanent fixtures (yes, portable costs more)

Annual service/support $15,000 – $68,000 for server; $1250 – $4450 per appliance

If you buy a server licensed for X recorders, and you now need to scale to Y recorders, Y>X, how much $ ? Dunno.

So, for 10 rooms expandable to 50
10 Recorder appliances: $142,500 to $222,500
Server 50 recorders   :  $50,000 to $200,000 (software only. needs hardware, too)
Subtotal              : $192,500 to $422,500

Annual Support
10 Recorder appliances:  $12,500 to  $39,500
Server 50 recorders   :  $14,250 to  $67,600
Subtotal              :  $26,750 to $107,100

First year cost: $219,250 to $529,600
Annual Support :  $26,750 to $107,100

Year 2 Add another 10 rooms:
10 Recorder appliances: $142,500 to $222,500
Second year Support    $39250 to $93,250

Year 3 Add another 10 rooms:
10 Recorder appliances: $142,500 to $222,500
Third year Support    $51,750 to $186100

Year 4 Add another 10 rooms:
10 Recorder appliances: $142,500 to $222,500
Fourth year Support    $64,250 to $225600

Year 5 Add final 10 rooms:
10 Recorder appliances: $142,500 to $222,500
Fifth year    Support    $76,750 to $265,100

Five year total:
Server license:  $50000
Recorders:      $712,500
support year 1:  $26,750
support year 2:  $39,250
support year 3:  $51,750
support year 4:  $64,250
support year 5:  $76,750
Total: $1,021,250 , or $204,250/year

Of course, 50 rooms might be overkill. For a more modest 10 rooms:

10 Recorder appliances: $142,500 to $222,500
Server 10 recorders   :  $10,000 to  $40,000 (software only. needs hardware, too)
Subtotal              : $152,500 to $262,500

Annual Support
10 Recorder appliances:  $12,500 to  $39,500
Server 10 recorders   :  $14,250 to  $67,600
Subtotal              :  $26,750 to $107,100

First year cost:      $179,250 to $529,600
Annual Support year 2: $26,750 to $107,100
Annual Support year 3: $26,750 to $107,100
Annual Support year 4: $26,750 to $107,100
Annual Support year 5: $26,750 to $107,100

total ESTIMATED discount price $286,250, or $57250 per year. Compare to $75,000 / year ESTIMATE for Tegrity

Tegrity does appear to scale better, as the cost is fixed regardless of number of rooms.  It can also be used at the desktop level as a substitute for camtasia
Tegrity pricing: $10,000 for 250 hours, PLUS $3000 one‐time set‐up fee and $5000 annually for support. See U. of North Texas document @

For FTE pricing, I’m guessing $70-80K per year, hosted locally, based on North Dakota State University proposal found here:

That said, I like that Tegrity, unlike Matterhorn or echo360, does not require a classroom ‘appliance’ for $1000 to $3000 per room.

Speaking of echo360, couldn’t find much on pricing other that this 2010 CUNY reference

to whit:

• Scalable
• Capture can be fully automated (scheduled) if you wish, or partly automated
• Multiple output formats – H.264 raw video format
• Expensive
o For the hardware version you need a server, a capture license & a capture appliance – plus the multimedia equipment in the classroom – computer, projector, etc)
o For the software version you need a server, a capture license (~$1,500 per year per room) – plus the multimedia equipment in the classroom – computer, projector, etc)
+ Echo360 capture license (~$2,250 per room per year)
+ Hardware capture appliance (~$2000 per room)
+ Installation (~$1,000)
+ Server Hardware (~$2,000-$5,000)
• Limited editing – removal of contents only – cannot add

We weren’t thrilled by Camtasia Relay because of its dependence on Microsoft Windows Servers, but its pricing is looking quite attractive against the competition


  • all numbers provided are googleygook and may be completely erroneous
  • if lecture capture ever comes to pass, it will certainly be > $25,000 and subject to bid,right? So any opinions we might have little impact on what we get stuck with

About Wesley Wright

Born on a mountain top near New York City, Craziest state in the land of the pretty. Raised in the woods so's he knew every tree, Killed him a bear when he was only three.
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