Enrollment Reports

On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:50 AM, Holly Parker <hbparker@uvm.edu> wrote:

Is there a way to pull the emails for the 100+ enrollment prof. this semester ? I got the banner spreadsheet off the registrar page but no emails are provided there.

I reminded her that The process employed last April was:

1) Somebody sends me the excel file
2) I import into special mySQL database table
3) after import, list available athttp://www.uvm.edu/ctl/development/enrollment/

Bu then On Mar 13, 2013, at 9:15 AM, Holly Parker <hbparker@uvm.edu> wrote:

Could you please modify this script one more time to include only folks who have 99+ ACTUAL ENROLLMENT, pretty please. 🙂

OK, so I did that, too. And went further, eliminating step 1 and replacing it with a direct in script file upload of the CSV file. So now Holly should be self-sufficient.

But wait: along comes Wendy, who  On Mar 20, 2013, at 11:48 AM  wrote:

Hi Wes, can you please run a queries for Fall 2013 Course Enrollments (http://giraffe.uvm.edu/~rgweb/batch/curr_enroll_fall.html)

We need faculty emails associated with the categories listed below. The emails will be imported into Constant Contact, so we only need email addresses –  nothing else. Please information send to Nina. Thanks!!

1. courses with a maximum enrollment is 100 and greater
2. courses with a maximum enrollment is between 50 – 99
3. courses held in rooms w. iclicker base stations 

Angell B112
Angell B106

Back to drawing board…

Hi Wes, can you please run a queries for Fall 2013 Course Enrollments (http://giraffe.uvm.edu/~rgweb/batch/curr_enroll_fall.html)

Step 1: Following that link leads us to


Download this file, and then use script to upload and refresh database. Then you can generate as many reports as you like

1. courses with a maximum enrollment is 100 and greater

Step 2: Set Min class size 100, Max class size 1000. For fall 2013 data reported today, use Max Enrollment; for Spring 2013, use Current Enrollment. Click Run Class Size Report

2. courses with a maximum enrollment is between 50 – 99

Step 3: Set Min class size 50, Max class size 99. For fall 2013 data reported today, use Max Enrollment; for Spring 2013, use Current Enrollment. Click Run Class Size Report

3. courses held in rooms w. iclicker base stations

Step 4: Review rooms list, click Run Clicker Rooms Report

Screen Shot 2013-03-25 at 12.54.25 PM

About Wesley Wright

Born on a mountain top near New York City, Craziest state in the land of the pretty. Raised in the woods so's he knew every tree, Killed him a bear when he was only three.
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