Reading Nigel Clark and Bron Szerszynski’s just published Planetary Social Thought: The Anthropocene Challenge to the Social Sciences is helping me think through what I see as perhaps the key philosophical debate of the current time. That debate is over the “ontological politics” of the difference between science in its theory and practice — including […]
Posts Tagged ‘metaphysics’
New Earths to come
Posted in Philosophy, Science & society, tagged Bron Szerszynski, cosmopolitics, critical realism, Decolonization, Elizabeth Povinelli, enactive cognition, geontologies, geontology, indigenous cosmovisions, metaphysics, Nigel Clark, ontological politics, Ontology, epistemology, ontopolitics, phenomenology, Planetary Social Thought, pragmatism, science and religion, social constructionism on March 15, 2021 | 2 Comments »
Shadowing unshadowed
Posted in Philosophy, Process-relational thought, tagged Alfred North Whitehead, Buddhism, C. S. Peirce, eco-realism, Kairos, May Day, metaphysics, Ontology, epistemology, Peirce, Shadowing the Anthropocene, Shinzen Young, speculative realism, Whitehead on May 1, 2019 | 1 Comment »
As agreed to with my publisher (Punctum), the e-book version of Shadowing the Anthropocene: Eco-Realism for Turbulent Times is now available for free download (or pay what you can). To celebrate this, I’m sharing a couple of snippets from the book here. As related in my Reader’s Guide, the book consists of three sections: first, […]
Ontology, decoloniality, and the people-land nexus
Posted in Eco-culture, Philosophy, Spirit matter, tagged Abenaki, Arturo Escobar, cosmopolitics, decoloniality, Decolonization, epistemology, indigeneity, indigenous peoples, land, metaphysics, multispecies studies, ontological politics, ontological turn, Ontology, Rubenstein School, Vermont on November 5, 2017 | 7 Comments »
Here’s something I’ve written to accompany a reading and discussion of Arturo Escobar’s piece “Thinking-feeling with the Earth: Territorial Struggles and the Ontological Dimensions of the Epistemologies of the South,” which I proposed as my suggested reading contribution for an intro graduate class in Environment and Society. I’m sharing it here as a brief think-piece. […]
A metaphysics they can’t match
Posted in Anthropocene, Philosophy, tagged affective turn, Center for Earth Ethics, cosmopolitics, Decolonization, eco-justice, ISSRNC, Karenna Gore, Latour, metaphysics, ontological turn, sacred landscapes on April 20, 2017 | 2 Comments »
Opening the ISSRNC conference on Mountains and Sacred Landscapes with a set of images from anti-pipelines and indigenous solidarity events, Karenna Gore (daughter of Al and founding director of the Center for Earth Ethics) said something that struck me as an evocative distillation of what’s really at stake in the world. The Trump administration’s Inquisition-like demolition […]
Latourian inquiries
Posted in Philosophy, tagged anthropology, Latour, metaphysics, nature-culture on August 22, 2013 | 3 Comments »
Bruno Latour fans will know that the French anthropologist’s long-awaited follow-up to 1991’s game-changing theoretical provocation We Have Never Been Modern was released in its English translation just a few weeks ago. The book is called An Inquiry Into Modes of Existence (and is becoming better known by its acronym “AIME”), and it provides a […]
Process-relational theory primer
Posted in Eco-theory, Philosophy, Process-relational thought, tagged Deleuze, metaphysics, object-oriented philosophy, Ontology, epistemology, process philosophy, speculative realism, Whitehead on November 5, 2010 | 12 Comments »
One of the tasks of this blog, since its inception in late 2008, has been to articulate a theoretical-philosophical perspective that I have come to call “process-relational.” This is a theoretical paradigm and an ontology that takes the basic nature of the world to be that of relational process: that is, it understands the basic […]
toward a post-constructivist synthesis
Posted in Philosophy, Science & society, tagged anthropocentrism, biosemiotics, epistemology, metaphysics, post-constructivism, poststructuralism, science studies, speculative realism, systems theories on March 12, 2010 | 7 Comments »
I recently mentioned my belief, or hope, that the humanities and sciences are working their ways toward a post-constructivist synthesis, a paradigm in the making with the potential to become a powerful player in twenty-first century public discourse. “Post-constructivism” says little, and “post-representationalism”, “post-anthropocentric humanism,” and “post-Kantianism” — the other terms I used there — […]
Harman’s object-oriented philosophizing
Posted in Philosophy, tagged Harman, Heidegger, metaphysics, object-oriented philosophy, speculative realism on September 8, 2009 | 1 Comment »
I’ve been reading Graham Harman’s Tool-Being: Heidegger and the Metaphysics of Objects and Prince of Networks: Bruno Latour and Metaphysics. More accurately, I’ve been dipping into and sipping from the first and systematically digesting the second. Given the amount of blogging that goes on under the rising star(s) of ‘object-oriented philosophy,’ ‘speculative realism,’ and Graham […]
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