Tag Archives: Boffins

Drupal for Sociology

Tom’s special theme installed.. He says, “Thanks so much, Wes. Fiddled just a tiny bit. There’s definitely a learning curve; we may need to consult a bit on terminologies and underlying logics. We’ll be in touch. “

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Kathy Marmor’s fan project

Kathy Marmor’s fan project relies on the Twitter Search API, as implemented by a Perl Module downloaded from the web. Just days before her show at the Church Street Firehouse Gallery last May, Twitter updated their API from version 1 … Continue reading

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Drupal for Sociology

Granted soceval.w3.uvm.edu from SAA. Obtained account on webdb database server. Attempted Drupal 7.25 install. Various failings due to SELinux file permissions. Had to unpack tar file directly into www-root. Who knew. after that, install was smooth. LDAP integration and SSO: … Continue reading

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Capcha for Landscape

On Jan 5, 2014, at 6:48 AM, Paul Bierman <paul.bierman@uvm.edu> wrote: Hi Wes, Looks like the human authentication is causing some folks some problems…given that many of our users are elderly, perhaps that’s not a surprise.  Wonder if the codes … Continue reading

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Drupal for Sociology

On Dec 20, 2013, at 1:09 PM, Thomas Streeter <thomas.streeter@uvm.edu> wrote: Example of a cool drupal theme: http://envato.tabvn.com/demo.php?theme=centum The main question is: could Salli and I use something like this to run our Dept. webpage without a hellacious learning curve?  Tom … Continue reading

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RealServer usage analysis

On Dec 6, 2013, at 2:05 PM, Kent Saunders <kgs@uvm.edu> wrote: Looks like it’s getting some use.  Here are some stats going back three months: month, hits, unique ip addresses, unique files 2013-09, 59177, 1265, 996 2013-10, 60788, 1282, 1609 … Continue reading

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Guide on the Side

Wendy sent me this: hi – see below for the discussion. Cut to the chase – can you please take a look install information at http://code.library.arizona.edu/gots/about) and let J and I know what you think. I realize that there is … Continue reading

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Bad Hair day (Landcape Change)

Woke up this morning to 4 emails from Paul Bierman. thumbnails view sort by… not working errant “invalid code” warning appearing on Add a Comment pop-up Google maps not working Stereoview image missing. 1 and 2 easy. 3 … The … Continue reading

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New BBB front end

Replacing current Drupal6 front end for Big Blue Button with homegrown code derived in part from CTL Events calendar. https://www.uvm.edu/ctl/apps/bbb/    

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Lunas Refresh

Tina implores: I haven’t done anything about the lunas project and it feels sad. I don’t want to give up on the project, and I wonder if there is any way for you to do something that we discussed at … Continue reading

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